人淡如菊 知名会员 注册 2002-05-25 消息 2,344 荣誉分数 12 声望点数 148 2002-10-15 #1 The new Tory building My shadow This is the place where I spend 80% of my time at. Except for 1st year students, you need an A- average to live here... That's all for now.
The new Tory building My shadow This is the place where I spend 80% of my time at. Except for 1st year students, you need an A- average to live here... That's all for now.
有爱无魂 Moderator 注册 2002-08-14 消息 769 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-10-17 #5 Re: 跟贴一张 最初由 garion 发布 rt 点击展开... NICE。 I LOVE THE RIVER。
西部牛仔 Moderator 注册 2002-01-16 消息 7,703 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-10-17 #6 Good! I have never take a look at those places carefully. In fact, so beautiful! Good job, keep doing!
Good! I have never take a look at those places carefully. In fact, so beautiful! Good job, keep doing!
garion 我也很爱你 :^) 注册 2002-10-17 消息 64 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-10-17 #7 hehe it's kind of hard... i dropped by this place for the first time last weekend, and it's going to be a while before i come back and visit again, hoho... but nice campus
hehe it's kind of hard... i dropped by this place for the first time last weekend, and it's going to be a while before i come back and visit again, hoho... but nice campus
cola 随意潜水 VIP 注册 2002-09-10 消息 4,665 荣誉分数 188 声望点数 0 2002-10-18 #8 Re: 跟贴一张 最初由 garion 发布 rt 点击展开... 哇,拍得不错耶。看来我们学校的自然环境还是挺优越的。
J jackywyy 初级会员 注册 2003-05-17 消息 13,690 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2004-03-08 #11 What is stormont house for? Bio?
瓶子里的鱼 简单的幸福 VIP 注册 2003-12-25 消息 14,153 荣誉分数 465 声望点数 0 所在地 Ottawa 2004-03-08 #12 I lived in the DUNDAS last term, it is nice~~~~~~~~~~
A angela 新手上路 注册 2002-12-09 消息 244 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-03-21 #15 最初由 Justin Luo 发布 What is stormont house for? Bio? 点击展开... HA HA HA ! IT'S THE RESIDENCE! CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE CU STUDENT!
最初由 Justin Luo 发布 What is stormont house for? Bio? 点击展开... HA HA HA ! IT'S THE RESIDENCE! CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE CU STUDENT!