this is #3 original. just corpped and curved a bit. that is it. no more work done on this one. I promised it before. I guess this is what others in this board would like to see? It is not a good photo, as you can see The light was dim, really dim. after rain, no sun, at 6:00PM in a shade of a building and trees. since I handheld, I used high ISO, which introduced much noise. manual focus though. compared the #3 modified and the original, which one you like better?
"A Gua" I think you just alerted me. I found myself crossing off to graphic design side a bit. not exactly photography anymore. I need refocus on the photography side to improve my skills. But, yeah, what is the hell, it does not hurt to know some graphic design side a bit, I guess. So... do you mind tell me where you get those photos from? I'd be really happy to see more of his/her work.