朋友6月26号在gatineau park的收获.

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一共钓了16条bass,9条大的. 无数的perch,sunfish,和一条catfish.

which lake and how many people there for fishing?
3人,在philipe lake. 早上最好, 用的饵有假鱼,蚯蚓,假蚯蚓. 让饵稍稍沉底后, 开始收线, 要有轻轻的抖动, 因为bass鱼喜欢活动的饵.8点钟那里会收费8$, 直到下午6点, 请鱼友注意. 租船的话, 35元一天9:00-20:00, 用现金,要信用卡号. 有船的朋友可以7:30以前或者6:30以后去. 那里有沙滩, 可以游泳. 船大的可以坐3-4人, 用浆, 大的好划些. 也有独木舟, 但太小, 3人有点挤.

另外, 水下有大的水草或石头的地方较好, bass也喜欢凉快.

本人因没车没船, 只能提供点信息, 希望对大家有帮助. 很想再去, 可惜没船.
最初由 xulinyang 发布
3人,在meech lake. 早上最好, 用的饵有假鱼,蚯蚓,假蚯蚓. 让饵稍稍沉底后, 开始收线, 要有轻轻的抖动, 因为bass鱼喜欢活动的饵.8点钟那里会收费8$, 直到下午6点, 请

There are many cottages there and it is used to be no entry fee. Are you sure the fee is for parking or just for that small beach area ? Where did you go for fishing? Thanks
最初由 wuming_ott 发布

There are many cottages there and it is used to be no entry fee. Are you sure the fee is for parking or just for that small beach area ? Where did you go for fishing? Thanks

Sorry, it is philipe lake where need the entry fee from 8:00 to 18:00, there are a gate to collect the money. This is also the parking fee. The meech lake may don't need the entry fee, others told me.