N northeast 资深人士 注册 2004-09-16 消息 1,449 荣誉分数 308 声望点数 243 2005-07-01 #1 正在犹豫是否装 Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) ?新房子。 请给点建议 。 谢谢!
基础墙 Moderator VIP 注册 2005-05-23 消息 1,247 荣誉分数 135 声望点数 193 2005-07-01 #2 那东西当然好,不光是节能,更能改善室内空气质量。 现在的房子讲究Air Tight。这样是节能了,但冬天屋里换气很差。记得有文章说过,七十年代的房每天的换气量是房子容积的三倍以上,现在的房子只有不到一倍。 除换气量小以外,室内负压也对空气质量有影响。装了大号抽油烟机的房子,更容易出现负压。有了HRV以后,室内会稍稍有些正压力,建筑材料挥发出的气体和地下的气体都不会往屋里走。 只是不知道在盖新房的时候装HRV要多加多少钱?
那东西当然好,不光是节能,更能改善室内空气质量。 现在的房子讲究Air Tight。这样是节能了,但冬天屋里换气很差。记得有文章说过,七十年代的房每天的换气量是房子容积的三倍以上,现在的房子只有不到一倍。 除换气量小以外,室内负压也对空气质量有影响。装了大号抽油烟机的房子,更容易出现负压。有了HRV以后,室内会稍稍有些正压力,建筑材料挥发出的气体和地下的气体都不会往屋里走。 只是不知道在盖新房的时候装HRV要多加多少钱?
N northeast 资深人士 注册 2004-09-16 消息 1,449 荣誉分数 308 声望点数 243 2005-07-01 #3 The builder ask for $1500 for HRV. Do you know if I can upgrade it later ? Thanks.
基础墙 Moderator VIP 注册 2005-05-23 消息 1,247 荣誉分数 135 声望点数 193 2005-07-01 #4 最初由 northeast 发布 The builder ask for $1500 for HRV. Do you know if I can upgrade it later ? Thanks. 点击展开... Yes you can. You may want to check with local HVAC contractors before making final decision.
最初由 northeast 发布 The builder ask for $1500 for HRV. Do you know if I can upgrade it later ? Thanks. 点击展开... Yes you can. You may want to check with local HVAC contractors before making final decision.
R RWALLIS 知名会员 注册 2004-04-14 消息 56 荣誉分数 5 声望点数 118 2005-07-01 #5 Home Depot's installation fee is $800 The total cost will be more than $1500.
笑 笑傲江湖 知名会员 注册 2003-08-17 消息 2,727 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 146 2005-07-03 #6 Would you mind telling us which builder that is? 最初由 northeast 发布 The builder ask for $1500 for HRV. 点击展开...
Would you mind telling us which builder that is? 最初由 northeast 发布 The builder ask for $1500 for HRV. 点击展开...
N northeast 资深人士 注册 2004-09-16 消息 1,449 荣誉分数 308 声望点数 243 2005-07-04 #7 最初由 笑傲江湖 发布 Would you mind telling us which builder that is? 点击展开... The builder is Richcraft.
笑 笑傲江湖 知名会员 注册 2003-08-17 消息 2,727 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 146 2005-07-04 #8 I think HRV is included in all the Energy Star package, and my builder Tartan charges me $1,500 for that HRV as well..
I think HRV is included in all the Energy Star package, and my builder Tartan charges me $1,500 for that HRV as well..
oread 新手上路 注册 2002-01-24 消息 20,275 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 0 2005-07-04 #9 Dumb question, too lazy to google: is an HRV same as a hot air exchanger?
笑 笑傲江湖 知名会员 注册 2003-08-17 消息 2,727 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 146 2005-07-04 #10 Yes 渐渐. "Heat Recovery Ventilation System" is A.K.A. "Air to Air Heat Exchangers" http://energyoutlet.com/res/hrv/
Yes 渐渐. "Heat Recovery Ventilation System" is A.K.A. "Air to Air Heat Exchangers" http://energyoutlet.com/res/hrv/