Cell phone (CDMA)
Carrier: Telus
Contract: No
Brand: LG3200
Condition: Like new (has only been used for 4 months).
Includes: Battery, charger, manual, original package
Ask: $89
* Detailed specification can be found at following link.
Desktop Computer #1
RAM: 128M
Hard drive: Quantum 20G
CDROM: Acer 50X
Video card: generic
Sound card: Sound Blaster
Modem card: genteric
Ethernet Card: D-Link
Floppy drive: generic
USB port: 2
Wheelmouse: HP
Keyboard: generic
Speaker: generic
Monitor: No
Ask: $130
Desktop Computer #2
CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2.2G
RAM: 256M
Hard drive: Quantum 20G
CDRW: 52X 24X 52X
Video card: 64M
Sound card: Integrated
Ethernet Card: D-Link
Floppy drive: generic
USB port: 6 (2 at front)
Wheelmouse: HP
Keyboard: generic
Speaker: generic
Monitor: No
Ask: $260
* You may pick either one based on your need. A Canon inkjet printer and a long Ethernet cable will be given away as free gifts. I need to keep one desktop for myself. Since I mainly using my laptop, I don't mind to keep the PIII one.
Email: li_jing_1999@yahoo.com
Tel: 738 9417
* Please do not use QQH to contact me, because I do not check it regularly
Carrier: Telus
Contract: No
Brand: LG3200
Condition: Like new (has only been used for 4 months).
Includes: Battery, charger, manual, original package
Ask: $89
* Detailed specification can be found at following link.
Desktop Computer #1
RAM: 128M
Hard drive: Quantum 20G
CDROM: Acer 50X
Video card: generic
Sound card: Sound Blaster
Modem card: genteric
Ethernet Card: D-Link
Floppy drive: generic
USB port: 2
Wheelmouse: HP
Keyboard: generic
Speaker: generic
Monitor: No
Ask: $130
Desktop Computer #2
CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2.2G
RAM: 256M
Hard drive: Quantum 20G
CDRW: 52X 24X 52X
Video card: 64M
Sound card: Integrated
Ethernet Card: D-Link
Floppy drive: generic
USB port: 6 (2 at front)
Wheelmouse: HP
Keyboard: generic
Speaker: generic
Monitor: No
Ask: $260
* You may pick either one based on your need. A Canon inkjet printer and a long Ethernet cable will be given away as free gifts. I need to keep one desktop for myself. Since I mainly using my laptop, I don't mind to keep the PIII one.
Email: li_jing_1999@yahoo.com
Tel: 738 9417
* Please do not use QQH to contact me, because I do not check it regularly