booksing 新手上路 注册 2002-10-06 消息 174 荣誉分数 11 声望点数 0 2002-10-20 #1 I am in Montreal now. It's really good trip but have a little cold. I love Montreal City. It's really a beautiful city. I will stay here foe 3 days, then I will go to PEI. Now I am in Mcgill University. There are many traditional building.
I am in Montreal now. It's really good trip but have a little cold. I love Montreal City. It's really a beautiful city. I will stay here foe 3 days, then I will go to PEI. Now I am in Mcgill University. There are many traditional building.
booksing 新手上路 注册 2002-10-06 消息 174 荣誉分数 11 声望点数 0 2002-10-28 #3 最初由 抗日积极分子 发布 应该是i am enjoying my traveling. 点击展开... 噢,这样阿,谢谢。