最初由 Xterra 发布
66 views, only 1 reply. There gonna be a problem! PEOPLE! I was kind enough to share some works. Viewers are supposed to comment or to say the least, give a bump. I guess it is not worth to share anything in this forum after all. Visitors in this forum are impolite!
I am going to keep this post for a day, for Auga who was so generous to share the event to have more chances to see these photos. I will remove those photos afterwards. and I will not share anymore in this forum. >:|
Thanks, ypklmh! you are the only commented on these photos so far. I see there are a few polite viewers after all.
最初由 yqklmh 发布
take it easy bro. I found most of the forums here are quiet. nobody gives a shxt.
I like #4.5.8,
you might want to reduce the depth of field to prominent the subject.
btw, you asked me last time for the 1G Kingston Elite pro CF card, I got it, it works perfect, and they reduced the price after that, plus, it is next-day free shipping.
最初由 阿瓜 发布
喜欢#1, 马脚要是留着就更好了. 其它正跳着的, 光圈用的多少? 背景有点儿乱, 拍摄角度要令背景干净为好. #7还不错.
这个坛子上, 有时间回贴的不愿回, 愿意回贴的没时间回.This is life.
可不管怎么说, 这儿好象是 Ottawa 华人摄影唯一的坛子, 无论如何, 要支持!
最初由 fad 发布
Too bad I did not see your photos. Was on a trip to Quebec City this weekend and did not have a chance to shoot the event.
I can understand your frustration. Sometimes I feel a bit discouraged too when nobody makes any comments. But I did not take it so seriously. This is internet, you have the right to demand for feedback, and the divers have the right to remain under the water. Nothing much you can do. Take it easy and smile.![]()
最初由 阿瓜 发布
摄影是孤独而需要耐心的事业: 踩点, 构图, 测光, 等光线, 偷拍, 抓拍. 无一不是在孤独中耐心地默默地完成的.拍野生动物就更不用说了!
摄影的魅力, 在于穷其一生, 挑战无止境.
摄影是分享的艺术: 不仅是photo本身, 心路历程, 经历, 参数etc. 只要分享给大家, 赞赏或批评, 是次要的. 记得一位纽约街头摄影大师, 一生拍了上百万张, 去世前, 还有上千卷胶片没冲洗出来. 我想, 他在拍时, 根本没想过别人的comments.
在这个论坛上, 如果不是有GangW, 阿搜, fad, startrack (恕不一一列举) 等DX的无私分享, 我们恐怕少学到好多东西吧?! 想想我们每个人, 在敢于post自己作品之前, 又潜水了多久呢?
一点随想, 个人意见.