必须是连续的一年全职工作, 或者是Part Time 但总的小时数不少于2000小时. (这个2000小时是个参考数字, 大约是一个全职工作一年的工作时间.)
移民局网页上是这么说的, 这个准确:
A) One-year continuous full-time experience: this means one year in one skilled occupation to
demonstrate an ability to establish oneself economically;
(B) The equivalent in continuous part-time employment in one or more occupations.
In (B), this continuous part-time employment could be made up of two part-time jobs held
simultaneously or of one part-time job held over the equivalent of one year of full-time
当然了, 职业必须是NOC上的0或者A, B级别的. Labour工不算. 你最好找好明确职业名字, 将4位数的职业代号填在表上.