bad credit, what should I do?


流氓党 - 流氓点孛尔帖赤那
Today, I phoned my credit card company and ask them to increase my credit line. But they said that I have one bad credit record in Sears card.
I moved one time and but I also forget to change my address. Sears didn't sent me the bill on time and they didn't call me either (phone is the same) The payment is made five month later, but Sears did not charge my late fee and they said it is not my fault.

How can I remove this bad credit? It is just 80 dollars. Shit happens.
最初由 ...... 发布
Today, I phoned my credit card company and asked them to increase my credit line. But they said that I had one bad credit record in Sears card.
I moved one time and but I also forgot to change my address. Sears didn't sent me the bill on time and they didn't call me either (phone is the same). The payment was made five month later, but Sears did not charge my late fee and they said it is not my fault.

How can I remove this bad credit? It is just 80 dollars. Shit happens.
It's just an excuse. They don't want to increase your credit line in fact. Apply in other company and stop using current one. Qi4shi3ta1men1!
Try to talk to the Sears to see if they could do anything to remove the records. Otherwise you will wait several years (7 years?) to get it removed eventually.

Be care of your credit history, it will affect you not only in your credit card, any loans (such as car loan, deffered payment when shopping, morgage, etc.), and I even heard some company will do finance backgroud check before they hire you.