[推荐] FYI: American Attitudes toward Chinese Americans and Asian Americans


American Attitudes toward Chinese Americans and Asian Americans

Sunday, October 27, 2:30 pm

Room 205, Claude T. Bissell Building*, University of Toronto


The Committee of 100, an American organization of eminent persons of Chinese descent commissioned this opinion survey; among its Governors are architect I.M. Pei and cellist Yo-Yo Ma. The Committee of 100 offers a Chinese American perspective to issues of concern to Asian Americans and promotes friendly U.S. relations with China. (http://www.committee100.org/)

There have been a number of incidents that reflect an anti-Asian sentiment in the United States. They include the murder of Vincent Chin by autoworkers who thought he was Japanese, the rise of hate crimes, concerns about loss of jobs to imports from China, the Wen Ho Lee issue, campaign financing, and others. The study probed Americans attitudes to Chinese Americans and other Asian Americans. It used both qualitative and quantitative techniques for thoroughness and analytical rigour. It is a landmark study is foundation for further analysis and comparisons, in the both Canada and the USA.

Major General John Fugh (US Army, Ret.)

Our speaker was born in Beijing; his family migrated to the United States when he was 15. He retired from the post of the Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army 1993 as a Major General, the first Chinese-American to attain general officer status. After retiring, General Fugh became a partner in the Washington law firm of McGuire, Woods, Battle and Boothe. In 1995 he served as President of McDonnell Douglas-China, responsible for integration and strategic direction of all elements of MD-C business in China.

General Fugh has been active in promoting the full participation of Chinese Americans in all fields of American life. He is co-chairman and a Director of the Committee of 100. He is also a Director of the Atlantic Council of the United States, a public policy organization in Washington.

* The Claude T. Bissell Building is just north of the University of Toronto’s John Robarts Library, at St. George and Harbord Streets, one block south of the St. George Station on the Bloor Subway line.