oread 新手上路 注册 2002-01-24 消息 20,275 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 0 2002-10-22 #5 别老猫了, 这跟EBAY一点关系没有. 你ROOMMATE可以要求退货, 实在不行也要在卖方的评语上注明这个假冒事件. 这种事在EBAY还是挺少见的. 我在EBAY购物的经历都很愉快. 一次卖方还将多出的运费还给我的PAYPAL帐号.
别老猫了, 这跟EBAY一点关系没有. 你ROOMMATE可以要求退货, 实在不行也要在卖方的评语上注明这个假冒事件. 这种事在EBAY还是挺少见的. 我在EBAY购物的经历都很愉快. 一次卖方还将多出的运费还给我的PAYPAL帐号.
Melody 本站元老 VIP 注册 2002-02-24 消息 39,618 荣誉分数 8,401 声望点数 373 2002-10-23 #7 最初由 Rabbit 发布 一个SUN GLASSES要200吗 点击展开... 俺家穷,那200$的SUN GLASSES,啥时拿来叫我们开开眼.:blowzy: :blowzy:
JYY -=CFC=- || JYY 注册 2002-03-21 消息 1,804 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 38 2002-10-23 #8 ya, it's a very expensive sun glasses. he is fight with the guy thourgh e-mail right now.
Tracy 知名会员 注册 2002-10-09 消息 644 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 128 2002-10-24 #9 I bought a book on Ebay last year, but I haven't received the book!!! I tried to contact the vendor, but...
I bought a book on Ebay last year, but I haven't received the book!!! I tried to contact the vendor, but...
月 月光宝盒 知名会员 注册 2002-10-12 消息 124 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 126 2002-10-25 #12 I have happy experience buying at Ebey. Just be careful before you make the bid. Check the comments about the seller.
I have happy experience buying at Ebey. Just be careful before you make the bid. Check the comments about the seller.
Tracy 知名会员 注册 2002-10-09 消息 644 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 128 2002-10-26 #13 最初由 辟邪 发布 but what? 点击展开... But he said he did not receive the money even my check was cashed. Then when I send him email again, there was no response any more.
最初由 辟邪 发布 but what? 点击展开... But he said he did not receive the money even my check was cashed. Then when I send him email again, there was no response any more.