(code or U of O MBA program)
5211 Corporate governance and ethics
5235 management skills (reading package)
5241 managerial accounting information and decisions
5250 corporate finance
5255 managerial economics
5256 macroeconomic policy
5257 international economic context
5260 the world of the general manager and of strategic management
5270 information and communication technologies for managers
5300 data analysis (statistics)
5320 strategic marketing management
5340 financial accounting information and decisions
5350 corporate finance 2
5360 strategy formulation and implementation
5380 operations management
6269 management consulting (reading package)
6250 international corporate financial policy
6262 high-tech entrepreneurship
6263 technology-based large firms (disruptive technology)
5211 Corporate governance and ethics
5235 management skills (reading package)
5241 managerial accounting information and decisions
5250 corporate finance
5255 managerial economics
5256 macroeconomic policy
5257 international economic context
5260 the world of the general manager and of strategic management
5270 information and communication technologies for managers
5300 data analysis (statistics)
5320 strategic marketing management
5340 financial accounting information and decisions
5350 corporate finance 2
5360 strategy formulation and implementation
5380 operations management
6269 management consulting (reading package)
6250 international corporate financial policy
6262 high-tech entrepreneurship
6263 technology-based large firms (disruptive technology)