OU & CU computer textbook for sale


2 java text books (U of Ottawa)
Java -- A Framework for Program Design and Data Structures
Kenneth A. Lambert & Martin Osborne $35

Java Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design, CodeMate (3rd Edition)
by John Lewis, William Loftus $40

Other brand new computer books

Digital Logic Circuit Analysis & Design (new, never used)
by Victor P. Nelson, et al (1995) $40

Data Structures & Program Design in C (2nd Edition) $10
by Robert Kruse, C.L. Tondo and Bruce Leung

Data Structures with C++ $15
by William Ford and William Topp

Digital Image Processing $10
by Kenneth R. Castleman

Multimedia Computing, Communications & Applications $15
by Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Nahrstedt

Digital Video $10
by A. Murat Tekalp

IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming (4th ed) $10
by Peter Abel

Operation Systems Design and Implementation (2nd ed) $15
by Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Albert S. Woodhull

Use Case Maps for Object-Oriented Systems $5
by R.J.A. Buhr and R.S. Casselman

Digital and Analog Communication Systems (5th ed.) $15
by Leon W. Couch II

Computer Graphics (C version, 2nd ed) $15
by Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker

Some photocopy of textbooks

(Carleton U. 95.202 textbook -- data structures)
Data Structures and Algorithms in JAVA (2nd edition photocopy-- very clear, no page missing) $5

(Carleton U. 94.588 Lecture Notes)
Communications Network Management $5
By Bernard Pagurek Jan. 2001

(Carleton U. DataMining textbook)
Learning From Data ? Concepts, Theory and Methods $4
By Vladimir Cherkassky and Filip Mulier

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