为什么车库里的汽油味进了Loft and livingroom房间?


不知谁和我有同样问题?loft 在车库上面,livingroom and loft 经常布满汽油味,but我并没有打开通往车库的门.谢谢各位指点!
最初由 housewife 发布
不知谁和我有同样问题?loft 在车库上面,livingroom and loft 经常布满汽油味,but我并没有打开通往车库的门.谢谢各位指点!


自己可以查一下房子和车库间的门,密封条有没有破损或是老化?另外,你的房子过去做过builder的sales office吗?要是这样,查一下是否有通到车库的暖气管没堵好?要是车库的顶棚上面有通往attic的洞,看看盖子是否关严了?要是这些都没问题,就得请人看看了。
You also should check where the gas smells from is. Is it a leak in your car, lawn mower...? They are also dangerous. And you should not run your car in garage without the garage door open.
I think it maybe from the air vent in the loft, but the ceiling and one wall in the garage was insulated and with drywall on it because these two parts are part of the house( the builder is bad,they don't finish the other two walls because they are not connected with the house). Is there any tools/instrument/meter I can use to check the waste gas rate? I didn't park my car in the garage, the smell is come from the law mower.
I complained this with builder,but I don't have evidence for the smell, the person who come to check said he didn't smell anything.The garage door seems good, from inside I cann't see any light in the garage.
Any comments?
I found out typing english is more faster than chinese, although it is more harder to read. Sorry about that.

Thanks for everybody who replied me.
Are there any chance the air vent tube go through that wall or ceiling in garage? And are the drywall be painted or just bare?
最初由 Timothy's 发布
Are there any chance the air vent tube go through that wall or ceiling in garage? And are the drywall be painted or just bare?
I think the air vent go through that wall and ceiling,and the drywall are not painted.
I think you can try some "smoke" producing devices, you may able to rent one in HD(I don't know. you can ask the people there). Put you air condition on to see if any smoke in the garage will go to the living room. There is a chance the leak is along the air tub. Because there usually a gap between the tub and insulation. The wall in the garage may not have a vinyl film under it.So it is not air tight. They did not paint it.so the gap between drywall was not filled. The smell may leak to the wall then follow the gap around air tube to the living room.
最初由 housewife 发布

I think the air vent go through that wall and ceiling,and the drywall are not painted.

You mean vent dust go throught the garage ceiling?


一种该注意的例外,要是这房子过去做过sales office,车库可能被用作show room。这时候builder会用个临时的管子把热风接到车库里,待房子卖掉时再把它拆了或堵上。要是车库里真的有这么个风口,得好好看看它是不是已经堵好了。




最初由 Timothy's 发布
I think you can try some "smoke" producing devices, you may able to rent one in HD(I don't know. you can ask the people there). Put you air condition on to see if any smoke in the garage will go to the living room. There is a chance the leak is along the air tub. Because there usually a gap between the tub and insulation. The wall in the garage may not have a vinyl film under it.So it is not air tight. They did not paint it.so the gap between drywall was not filled. The smell may leak to the wall then follow the gap around air tube to the living room.


按建筑规范,garage和living area之间必须是air tight,而且隔墙还有防火要求。只要能证明是漏气,就肯定是哪儿做错了,叫builder派人来修吧。
最初由 基础墙 发布

You mean vent dust go throught the garage ceiling?

Yes, it is as you said.




Good idea,but where has 薰香for sale? which one is回风口? which one is 出风口, I know on the ground is the air vent for warm air( I don't have air condition yet), there have some on the wall upper near the ceiling, are they 回风口还是什么?
最初由 housewife 发布

Good idea,but where has 薰香for sale? which one is回风口? which one is 出风口, I know on the ground is the air vent for warm air( I don't have air condition yet), there have some on the wall upper near the ceiling, are they 回风口还是什么?

在墙的上面那个口是return air。

熏香可以在168或其他中国店里面买到。另外,Canadian Tire该有Timothy说的那种供紧急停车用的发烟的东西卖--我没专门去找过,可我买的一个emergency kit里面有两块这种东西,点着了以后冒很浓的烟。
Did you put your central Vac unit in the garage? I heard that the Central Vac unit can leak exhaust (or other smell) into the house and that is why the builder never install central vac in the garage for you.