[问题] 从美国的网站买东西要收税吗?

Depends. In general, all merchandises purchased from across border are subject to taxes and duties, unless the value claimed is under $20 CAD or claimed as gift worth less than $60. There are certain conditions for the item to be claimed as gift however.

You can refer to this link for more details:


Ususally when I buy stuff from USA, I either purchase items under $20 limit or I ask the seller to lower the custom claim value.

Good luck!
UPS的是直接送上门 税单就在那里 你可以刷VISA付 有回执
平邮是取东西的NOTICE到你家 上面会说到附近邮局去拿 也会有税款价格 你去取的时候直接在邮局把钱交了
最初由 油画批发零售 发布
Are there anyways to avoid the tax? such as via different delivery service

There's one way, ask someone you know who lives in USA to bring it over for you! I did it once for a quite bulky and expensive item, no duties at all! another big plus: some items ship free to US destinations!