[推荐] 为什么应该嫁给电脑工程师?

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 bj130
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Why A Girl Should Marry An Engineer?

When choosing a mate, compare these other professionals to engineers:

DOCTOR Supposedly, all women are after a doctor, so don't expect your relationship to last more than 5 years.Eventually, he'll run off with some nurse from his office, or one of his young women patients that is pretending to be sick. He'll wait until you are stuck with a few kids to do this. This is not a problem with your engineer husband. He had a hard enough time meeting you. It is unlikely he'll ever meet another woman in his profession.

LAWYER Do you seriously expect an honest, trusting relationship with someone who gets paid for lying? Once again, this is not a problem with your engineer spouse. He doesn't have enough social skills to lie convincingly. An additional drawback to marrying a lawyer is when the divorce happens you will get nothing.

SALESMAN See honesty segment under Lawyer. Plus, he will be traveling to trade shows, etc. where he will be in the company of other equally trustworthy individuals. Don't be surprised when you get the invitation to show up on the Ricki Lake show. The company that your Engineer husband works at will keep him in a cage, often called a cubicle, until he is ready to go home to you.

TEACHER The only reason he entered this profession is so that he could be surrounded by newly post-pubescent girls who idolize him. He'll be in jail soon, and then you'll have to look for another man.

HAZARDOUS PROFESSIONS, I.E. FIREFIGHTER, CONSTRUCTION WORKER, ETC. Your husband, if he is not dead by some accident, will likely be crippled with a back injury, etc. just about the time you are at your sexual peak. The only hazards that your engineer husband will face is losing his eyesight by staring at the computer terminal for too long. This hazard actually has some benefits. For one, he will not notice that you are getting older, since you will be a blur. He will remember you as when he first met you, because the memory will still be sharp. And If you think he is looking at another woman, and you ask "Honey, were you looking at her?", he'll honestly be able to say that he didn't even see her.

(Author unknown. I got it from a forward email.)





律师 你真认为你可以和一个靠撒谎谋生的人能保持诚实、信任的关系吗?


推销员 他的可信程度比律师还差。另外,他还要常常离家出外,参加推销展览,和那些有着同样可信度的人混在一起。如果有一天你被邀请出席闻所未闻的 Ricki Lake 展销会时,你不要感到惊讶。



教师 男人当教师的唯一目的是,他能整天被一大群春情初发,盲目崇拜他的女学生团团围住。于是,他很快就会被投入监狱,那时你只得琵琶别抱另寻郎。




假如你担心他在望着别的年轻女人,对他说:“亲爱的,您干吗老瞧着她呀?” 他会很诚实地回答说,他根本无法看清那女人的脸!