人淡如菊 知名会员 注册 2002-05-25 消息 2,344 荣誉分数 12 声望点数 148 2005-09-28 #1 绝对达到了大家追求的100%不掉棉效果,而且价格比Shoppers, Walmart的都便宜,一大盒平均下来大概一块多/75片。
某 某某 不知名会员 VIP 注册 2004-12-01 消息 13,159 荣誉分数 3,201 声望点数 373 2005-09-28 #6 最初由 火箭蛋糕 发布 COSTCO有卖化妆品的吗 点击展开... they have some
人淡如菊 知名会员 注册 2002-05-25 消息 2,344 荣誉分数 12 声望点数 148 2005-09-28 #7 最初由 sweetmango 发布 costco 有贝加斯绿泥吗? 点击展开... I looked all over last time but didn't find it. I was in the Costco at Industrial, maybe the one in Merivale has it.
最初由 sweetmango 发布 costco 有贝加斯绿泥吗? 点击展开... I looked all over last time but didn't find it. I was in the Costco at Industrial, maybe the one in Merivale has it.
人淡如菊 知名会员 注册 2002-05-25 消息 2,344 荣誉分数 12 声望点数 148 2005-09-28 #8 最初由 flysoul 发布 你说的是那个7块多钱一大合的那种吧?里面有N多包. 点击展开... Yeah, there's only one kind.
人淡如菊 知名会员 注册 2002-05-25 消息 2,344 荣誉分数 12 声望点数 148 2005-09-28 #9 最初由 某某 发布 what brand is it? 点击展开... The brand is Iris.
bubbleface ~~泡泡脸~~ 注册 2004-05-25 消息 2,280 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 148 2005-09-28 #10 it's just so so... It's still 掉棉 a bit.... but cheap hehee
梅子 新手上路 注册 2002-01-16 消息 3,653 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 0 2005-09-28 #11 i find Bodyshop has the cotton pads from all the ones i tested.