胖蹄阿克 初级会员 VIP 注册 2003-07-08 消息 6,748 荣誉分数 181 声望点数 0 2005-10-11 #3 最初由 开喜 发布 你一定天天梦见有J. 点击展开... 不对,J不是常见的梦境
胖蹄阿克 初级会员 VIP 注册 2003-07-08 消息 6,748 荣誉分数 181 声望点数 0 2005-10-11 #5 最初由 March 发布 我梦见PT请我吃饭。:blink: 点击展开... 解梦一般是针对晚上做的梦:blink:
小傻 Emeritus Chief 8 Gua VIP 注册 2002-05-13 消息 5,887 荣誉分数 156 声望点数 173 2005-10-11 #6 最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布 解梦一般是针对晚上做的梦:blink: 点击展开... then 3J's dream is daylight dream leh
小傻 Emeritus Chief 8 Gua VIP 注册 2002-05-13 消息 5,887 荣誉分数 156 声望点数 173 2005-10-11 #7 Do you have this symptom, NS-RED? Nocturnal Sleep-Related Eating Disorder (NS-RED) ? Getting up during the night and eating while sleepwalking. No recall in the morning.
Do you have this symptom, NS-RED? Nocturnal Sleep-Related Eating Disorder (NS-RED) ? Getting up during the night and eating while sleepwalking. No recall in the morning.
shusheng CFC 分析员 VIP 注册 2003-07-10 消息 9,868 荣誉分数 440 声望点数 193 2005-10-11 #8 Do you have this symptom, NS-RWD? Nocturnal Sleep-Related Watering Disorder (NS-RWD) ? Getting up during the night and watering while sleepwalking. No recall in the morning.
Do you have this symptom, NS-RWD? Nocturnal Sleep-Related Watering Disorder (NS-RWD) ? Getting up during the night and watering while sleepwalking. No recall in the morning.
小傻 Emeritus Chief 8 Gua VIP 注册 2002-05-13 消息 5,887 荣誉分数 156 声望点数 173 2005-10-11 #9 Clinically, NS-RWD is also called bedwetting or drawing map 最初由 shusheng 发布 Do you have this symptom, NS-RWD? Nocturnal Sleep-Related Watering Disorder (NS-RWD) ? Getting up during the night and watering while sleepwalking. No recall in the morning. 点击展开...
Clinically, NS-RWD is also called bedwetting or drawing map 最初由 shusheng 发布 Do you have this symptom, NS-RWD? Nocturnal Sleep-Related Watering Disorder (NS-RWD) ? Getting up during the night and watering while sleepwalking. No recall in the morning. 点击展开...
小傻 Emeritus Chief 8 Gua VIP 注册 2002-05-13 消息 5,887 荣誉分数 156 声望点数 173 2005-10-11 #11 最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布 蒙古大夫的行列在壮大 点击展开... I am not 蒙古大夫 My part time job is sleep diagnostic stuff, including explaining dreams
最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布 蒙古大夫的行列在壮大 点击展开... I am not 蒙古大夫 My part time job is sleep diagnostic stuff, including explaining dreams
shusheng CFC 分析员 VIP 注册 2003-07-10 消息 9,868 荣誉分数 440 声望点数 193 2005-10-11 #12 最初由 小傻 发布 My part time job is sleep diagnostic stuff, including explaining dreams 点击展开... Are those dreams night de or day de? :blink:
最初由 小傻 发布 My part time job is sleep diagnostic stuff, including explaining dreams 点击展开... Are those dreams night de or day de? :blink:
小傻 Emeritus Chief 8 Gua VIP 注册 2002-05-13 消息 5,887 荣誉分数 156 声望点数 173 2005-10-11 #13 最初由 shusheng 发布 Are those dreams night de or day de? :blink: 点击展开... night de and day de, both count If one day, I can explain the dream by using Electroencephalogram, Electromyogram and Electro-oculogram etc, then I don't want Nobel prize, Riven just gives me 1 million CFC money I would be happy This is day dream
最初由 shusheng 发布 Are those dreams night de or day de? :blink: 点击展开... night de and day de, both count If one day, I can explain the dream by using Electroencephalogram, Electromyogram and Electro-oculogram etc, then I don't want Nobel prize, Riven just gives me 1 million CFC money I would be happy This is day dream
人淡如菊 知名会员 注册 2002-05-25 消息 2,344 荣誉分数 12 声望点数 148 2005-10-11 #14 天哪,我差不多天天都要做梦,是不是会影响我的睡眠质量啊?而且都是那种相对比较复杂,电影式的梦。梦中人物有不少是现实生活中的人,也有很多自己创造的。。。情节是各式各样的,不过有一类情形出现得比较频繁,就是有个什么天灾人祸了,要收拾东西逃跑,东西怎么收拾也收拾不完。。。或者被敌人追上了,不过这个时候我一般来个"rewind"再逃一次,呵呵好玩吧,我不知道别人做梦的时候能不能这样。
赤练仙子 初级会员 VIP 注册 2005-02-01 消息 2,336 荣誉分数 63 声望点数 58 2005-10-11 #15 我也是一睡觉就做梦。一醒就基本忘了。昨晚梦见自己开着坦克去参加一 个J(什么J忘了)。太陡的坡不敢走,只在平地开。好不容易到了,把坦克停好,下 来了,回头一看我原来是开的摩托来的,边上还停着我儿子的自行车。~~~~就醒了
我也是一睡觉就做梦。一醒就基本忘了。昨晚梦见自己开着坦克去参加一 个J(什么J忘了)。太陡的坡不敢走,只在平地开。好不容易到了,把坦克停好,下 来了,回头一看我原来是开的摩托来的,边上还停着我儿子的自行车。~~~~就醒了