**My GeoTech Report!**


紧跟着qiuyi_1的指引,我今天刚从sales 那里拿到我的Geo Tech report. 清各位看看指教一下 :thanks:
I always hear that clay is bad... this is barrhaven area. :confused:
最初由 bubbleface 发布
I always hear that clay is bad... this is barrhaven area. :confused:

哈哈,一号球衣的好点子,给买主卖主们多找了件操心的事:) 咱们不是刚讨论过,无知者无畏吗?

粘土不一定坏,砂土也不一定好。硬的粘土,跟石头似的,用镐砸下去,只砸出个指甲盖大的印子。粘性土的强度和它的含水量关系很大,所以在描述粘性土的时候,常会提一下它的状态,也就是它的含水量在哪个范围里面。报告中的描述是stiff和very stiff,说明含水量不高。


最初由 基础墙 发布

哈哈,一号球衣的好点子,给买主卖主们多找了件操心的事:) 咱们不是刚讨论过,无知者无畏吗?

:blowzy: 对我而言,不知者更畏阿

粘土不一定坏,砂土也不一定好。硬的粘土,跟石头似的,用镐砸下去,只砸出个指甲盖大的印子。粘性土的强度和它的含水量关系很大,所以在描述粘性土的时候,常会提一下它的状态,也就是它的含水量在哪个范围里面。报告中的描述是stiff和very stiff,说明含水量不高。
我就是搞不清这个到底含水量多少了才会对silty clay 有影响。这个Sales 给了我整个的report, 外加钻孔图,但是好像离我lot 近的那个test pit 查出来并不是很硬。我在网上看到说一般承受力要大于75 kilopacal. 但是这有些地方才40 - 50。

Sensitive silty Clay
This silty clay extends to depths ranging from about 1.5 metres (test pit 03-16) to at least 5.5 metres (test pit 3-12) below existing ground surface. The upper portion of the silty clay has been weathered to a stiff grey brown crust. The weathered zone extends from approximately 3.1 metres to 5.0 metres below the existing ground surface, or to the full depth of the weathered crust gave undrained shear strengths ranging from 90 kilpascals to greater than 130 kilopascals (the limit of the vane apparatus), which indicates a stiff to very stiff consistency. The measured water contents of two samples of the weathered silty clay were approximately 22 and 44 percents.

The silty clay below the depth of weathering is grey in colour. The grey silty clay were encountered at all of the test pit locations except at test pits 03-4, 03-15, 04-16, 03-17, 03-18 and 03-19, where is is either absent or the depth of weathering exceeds the depth of the test pits. The results of in situ vane testing carried out in the grey silty clay gave undrained shear strengths ranging from 40 to 100 kilpoascals, indicating a firm to very stiff consistency. The measureed water contents of two samples of the grey silty clay were approximately 42 and 59 percent.


有图,贴在下面了 :D


report 上还有说Corrosion and Cement type. Two samples of soil from pit 3-9 and 3-16 were submitted to XXX lab for chemical analysis related to potential corrosion of buried steel elements and potential sulphate attack on buried concrete elements。The results of this testing are provided in Appx A. The results indicated that concrete made with Type 10 Portland cement should be acceptable for substructures. The results also indicate a high potential for corrosion of exposed ferrous metal.

请问这个ferrous metal 是正常的吗,对人体会有影响吗.

再次感谢楼主,真是专家阿 :cool::cool:
最初由 某某 发布
看不懂 :blowzy:
俺也搞不太懂,已经翻来复去看了10几遍了 :blowzy: 幸好这里有好多大侠们帮忙提供意见呢。 好佩服的说.
最初由 bubbleface 发布

我就是搞不清这个到底含水量多少了才会对silty clay 有影响。这个Sales 给了我整个的report, 外加钻孔图,但是好像离我lot 近的那个test pit 查出来并不是很硬。我在网上看到说一般承受力要大于75 kilopacal. 但是这有些地方才40 - 50。

报告里面给的是抗剪强度,不是承载力。对unsatuated stiff silty clay,75kPa是个很容易达到的门槛,常有人连试验都不用做,用手指头压一下就敢给这个值。

The results indicated that concrete made with Type 10 Portland cement should be acceptable for substructures. The results also indicate a high potential for corrosion of exposed ferrous metal.

请问这个ferrous metal 是正常的吗,对人体会有影响吗.

这段是对土中水腐蚀性的描述,说它对混凝土基础里面用的水泥没多大妨碍,可是对暴露的钢筋有很强的腐蚀性。(ferrous -> Ferrum = Fe,铁)。这挺正常的,土中水都会含些盐分,你这片地方的土也许还含硫。至于对人,反正那土是埋在下面,隔着基础和上面的回填土。只要没有挥发性或放射性的东西,一般无大碍。若不放心,可以进一步问问,土中是否有对人体有害的东西。
最初由 基础墙 发布

报告里面给的是抗剪强度,不是承载力。对unsatuated stiff silty clay,75kPa是个很容易达到的门槛,常有人连试验都不用做,用手指头压一下就敢给这个值。

这段是对土中水腐蚀性的描述,说它对混凝土基础里面用的水泥没多大妨碍,可是对暴露的钢筋有很强的腐蚀性。(ferrous -> Ferrum = Fe,铁)。这挺正常的,土中水都会含些盐分,你这片地方的土也许还含硫。至于对人,反正那土是埋在下面,隔着基础和上面的回填土。只要没有挥发性或放射性的东西,一般无大碍。若不放心,可以进一步问问,土中是否有对人体有害的东西。

多谢斑竹阿,这么一解释就清楚了. :thanks:

这个东西也真是的,不知道吧,要担心,知道了吧, 更要担心。 :P
最初由 bubbleface 发布

这个东西也真是的,不知道吧,要担心,知道了吧, 更要担心。 :P


最初由 基础墙 发布



Same as that qiuyi_1 said: "due diligence";)
杞人忧天,do the owners really need to know that much? I doubt.
I don't know that much and I don't want to worry that much too..:blowzy: