

you can go to walmart but I think the cloth there are not very pretty. there is a store in the merival road just near the Yangming buffet, beside the library. there are lots of beautiful cloth there but the price is not very good. i bought some there and made the curtains for my new house. they are really pretty. sometimes you can found some on sale staff and they are very cheap.
最初由 GYGY 发布
you can go to walmart but I think the cloth there are not very pretty. there is a store in the merival road just near the Yangming buffet, beside the library. there are lots of beautiful cloth there but the price is not very good. i bought some there and made the curtains for my new house. they are really pretty. sometimes you can found some on sale staff and they are very cheap.

:cool: 你说的这家我也去看过,东西不少,很漂亮,就是价钱贵!
同档次的在Bank & Heron附近也有一家,差不多。
另外,介于这个档次和walmart之间的也是有的。Fabric Land, Bou Clair等等,Ottawa都有好几家连锁的,可以去看看。
Westgate sopping center 的 Cozy Covering 就 是 专 卖 窗 帘 布 的 。
BouClaire 也 有
最初由 Brenda 发布
Sorry i can't remember the name of the store but it's easy to find it. i think you must know the yangming buffet. there is a small mall around the buffet parking lot and there is a library and TD bank there. the store just next to the library. also there is a canada post branch and a pet store there.the store's door is not very big. it;s the same door with the library.
the store is a branch of montreal's campany.the sales told me they can make curtains and dresses for tne customer. but you should wait for a long time because they sew for customer in montreal and they have good designer. I bought some laces and made curtain for my windows in the living room, they are really pretty.the store have a lots of colours and designs. you can select any you want according to your room and furniture.
Thanks, I think I know which store it is now.
最初由 Brenda 发布
Thanks, I think I know which store it is now.
Oh I remember now the store is called "textiles". and it is not open on sundays.