[问题] 如何调整婴儿有规律的吃奶,剩下的奶一定要挤出来吗?


是 不 是 吃 吃 就 睡 着 了 ? 新 生 儿 是 这 样 子 的 。 你 可 以 在 喂 他 时 玩 弄 他 的 手 脚 , 耳 朵 , 轻 轻 吹 他 , 不 让 他 睡 , 如 果 他 还 睡 , 就 拿 出 你 的 @@, 他 可 能 会 哭 , 但 这 样 等 于 是 在 教 他 吃 奶 睡 觉 就 没 的 吃 了 , 吃 完 了 才 可 以 睡 。
My baby was like that during first two weeks or so, but now is much better, and only eats for 9-10 min on each side. I read some articles afterward, and found out that there could be several causes: Baby has jaundice, epidural was used during labour, or induced labour.

Jaundice will make baby feel really sleepy and so they will sleep during feeds, but sleeping during feeding will make them eat less and the jaundice will get worse, and it becomes a cycle.

Epidural will enter baby's body but baby's liver is not mature enough to process it, so it will cause larger effect on baby than mother. Baby will not be able to suck that well while feeding.

Medical substances used to induce labour could affect the milk production of the mother.

My baby had taken supplemental formula for 3 days, and once he's less dehydrated, he's back to good feeding again.
Re: [问题] 如何调整婴儿有规律的吃奶时间。

最初由 littlefish 发布

宝宝already两个月, should not 停下来歇一会再吃再歇再吃. Stop feeding him after 喂两边各15分钟左右. Don't feed him for at least another 2 hours.

我的奶很足, and I made the same mistake when my baby was 6-8 weeks. When my family visitor visited me, she told me not to feed the baby all the time. Feed her at least every two hours. It works! Now my baby only spends 5-8 minutes each feed (I have so much breastmilk that she can only finish one side each time), and she weighted 15 pounds 4ozs when she was 2 month and 3 days.

I can give you more details if you need.
