

迂得新居的白色不好。。。???Minto拿了房子後褚上再油上自己喜欢?色。但不知道是否在原有的白色油上再油便所喜喜欢便可╋ 或需有其他的程聚╋ ?版主及各方友好兕教。

已?了Home Depot & Benjaiman Moore....得出?的也是不同意?╋故才?了各位
新房子的漆一般都是LATEX PAINT 是水溶性的.你只要买同样LATEX的PAINT刷上就是.新房的厨房没用过,没油腻,不必洗墙.你要是想刷门框之类的TRIM,要是原来的漆看上去亮亮的,可用细砂纸打打毛再漆.会粘的牢一点.
你最好问MINTO一声,是不是用过OIL PAINT,要是用过就麻烦些,你要么也用OIL PAINT,要么先上PRIME一层,再上LATEX.不然水油不容.不过近几年LATEX进步很大,耐水性已经很好.我不信MINTO还在用.
最初由 NewChinese 发布
迂得新居的白色不好。。。???Minto拿了房子後褚上再油上自己喜欢?色。但不知道是否在原有的白色油上再油便所喜喜欢便可╋ 或需有其他的程聚╋ ?版主及各方友好兕教。

已?了Home Depot & Benjaiman Moore....得出?的也是不同意?╋故才?了各位

if it is new house, I heard it is better to paint after 1 year. because if there is crack, mito have to come fix for you, then your painting will be dirty again
是的, 别人也是这么告诉我的. 不要急着刷新的漆...

最初由 AfterDie 发布
if it is new house, I heard it is better to paint after 1 year. because if there is crack, mito have to come fix for you, then your painting will be dirty again
Prime your drywall (one coat, <$25 tax in) then paint (2 coats) = Professional finish.
To cut cost, Minto probably just sprayed the white paint over. Your wall technically is still drywall. To do a good painting job yourself, you have to prime your wall first.
Thanks a lot, Ottabc !

Can you provide me with some advises for

1, which brand/type of primer is good
2, which brand/type of paint is good or that you recommend
3, which paint is better, oil based or water based
4, Is sanding required after primer and 1st coat ? If so, what type / number of sanding paper is appropriate
5, Since it is winter now, do I need to turn up the heat or any fans to help the paint to dry ?

Once again, thank you so much for your help !!
>>> 1, which brand/type of primer is good

you can get prime from either Home Depot or Benjamin Moore.

>>> 2, which brand/type of paint is good or that you recommend

I prefer Benjamin Moore mid grade latex based paint.

>>> 3, which paint is better, oil based or water based

Depends where you use it. For exterier you might want to use oil based. Interior, I use Latex based.

>>> 4, Is sanding required after primer and 1st coat ? If so, what type / number of sanding paper is appropriate

Most cases, you don't have to sand.

>>> 5, Since it is winter now, do I need to turn up the heat or any fans to help the paint to dry ?

It doesn't smell too strong, latexed paint, just go ahead start painting.