Rogers Cable 599 有凤凰卫视 (更新: 还有更多)

bell expressive vu 是哪个频道呢?
得有digital box 才能收看。以后可能要付费。
最初由 GroundZero 发布
得有digital box 才能收看。以后可能要付费。

嗯,digital box 送回去了,后悔了。
Re: Rogers Cable 599 有凤凰卫视

最初由 开喜 发布
而且是全天的. 我刚发现. 不知道还有没有人和我一样笨到现在才明白.

是让你试看1个月, 到元旦后就要付费。。。节目不错,就是信号老断
交钱也看. 比装天线看中文台简单多了.
I am poor, if anyone can record for me, so I can watch too......thank you very much
Phoenix North America Chinese Channel **NEW**
$19.95/month (includes Talentvision)

Phoenix North America Chinese Channel is now available on Rogers Digital Cable!

FREE PREVIEW UNTIL JANUARY 1, 2006 on Channel 599
Phoenix North America Chinese Channel provides the latest news and entertainment television from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and other countries in the Asian Pacific region, 24-hours-a-day. Broadcast primarily in Mandarin, this Chinese-language channel delivers a complete variety of television entertainment, including movies, dramas, talk shows, game shows, family and children's programming, documentaries and live news.
If you would like to order Phoenix TV, you will be required to purchase Talentvision as well. The monthly rate of $19.95 includes both Phoenix TV and Talentvision. Due to CRTC linkage requirements, it is mandatory that Phoenix TV be linked with Talentvision. This requirement is applicable to all service providers in Canada that carry Phoenix TV and is not limited to only Rogers.
我还以为这两台要有得一拚了, 没想到CRTC给打包了.