

请教个问题,对于一点不会的小孩子,滑雪板要多长才合适?是像大人一样, ski 立起来的长度在鼻子和嘴唇之间,还是短一点好?我夏天给我女儿买了一副旧的,现在发现长度才到她肩膀(长得太快),行么?
I was just on the phone with 雪在烧. TA is having fun in Camp Fortune right now. You won't get TA's response till late evening probably.

I am not familiar with kid's ski equipment myself, but the general idea is like this, for a very beginner (kids or adults), if a perfect matching ski size can not be found, go with shorter. This way, it will give more flexibility and mobility to the beginner (especially for 一点不会的小孩子). Keep in mind, first impression is very important. Bringing fun to kid in their first skiing, keep them interested, and add chanllege later.

I do not see much problem on the ski size for your kid.
最初由 曾经也黄过 发布
I was just on the phone with 雪在烧. TA is having fun in Camp Fortune right now. You won't get TA's response till late evening probably.

I am not familiar with kid's ski equipment myself, but the general idea is like this, for a very beginner (kids or adults), if a perfect matching ski size can not be found, go with shorter. This way, it will give more flexibility and mobility to the beginner (especially for 一点不会的小孩子). Keep in mind, first impression is very important. Bringing fun to kid in their first skiing, keep them interested, and add chanllege later.

I do not see much problem on the ski size for your kid.

Thanks a lot, vice TA。I won't buy new ski for my daughter unless TA says something different。
What you can do is to have the ski sharpen and waxed. Never underestimate the benefit you will get after doing it.
最初由 曾经也黄过 发布
What you can do is to have the ski sharpen and waxed. Never underestimate the benefit you will get after doing it.

啊? 还要 have the ski sharpen and waxed ? 这么麻烦. 我租的话不用关那么多吧, 想必人家都弄好了的.

另外, 教授果然转专业去研究幼儿心里学了么? 怎么讲的头头是道的. :cool:
最初由 开喜 发布

啊? 还要 have the ski sharpen and waxed ? 这么麻烦. 我租的话不用关那么多吧, 想必人家都弄好了的.

另外, 教授果然转专业去研究幼儿心里学了么? 怎么讲的头头是道的. :cool:

Sharpening and Waxing is not sth that need to be done frequently. Once or twice a year maybe, depending on how often it is used. Ski/boots renting is a convenient (or lazy) solution, good for the first half season. Personally, I think if you rent more than 3-4 times, it starts to make no sense economically. I would suggest to have a 2rd hand ski. Buy a new comfort boots in the first place, cuz it can stay with you even when the ski is upgraded later.
教授说的我都没心思念书了, 明儿还考试呢. 得, 我先戒网半天儿吧, 明儿考完了再回来讨教. Bye.
短一点好!你女儿这个冬天绝对不用换板.明年她更高了,技术也提高了,就需要换板了.其它的阿黄说得很对. :)
最初由 雪在烧 发布
短一点好!你女儿这个冬天绝对不用换板.明年她更高了,技术也提高了,就需要换板了.其它的阿黄说得很对. :)

补充两句,我家女儿的板就很短.买的时候我也是疑问半天.短的板好控制,好拐弯.牺牲的是速度.对于小不点这样的初学者来说真好.还有新式的板技术上有很大的改良,都很好控制.基本上是板随人动.用不同的姿势造成重心的偏移,拐弯很容易. 大家如果买二手的板的话,千万注意不要买个老古董回来,不好控制不说,还大大地打击了自己的积极性. :)
自从帮主退位,很久没和TA交谈了,那天跟TA短暂地聊了会,无意间提起 SKI PASS, 她一下子兴奋的说了一句: "我的可以在八个山头通行无阻".

这一短短的话,让我把思绪又回到了过去。 想当年,金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎, TA何等少年英雄,意气奋发。。。。。。

帮主,你回来吧, 丐帮不能没有你阿(OOOPS, 这俩天武侠小说看多了:p), 流水帮不能没有你阿。


最初由 雪在烧 发布
补充两句,我家女儿的板就很短.买的时候我也是疑问半天.短的板好控制,好拐弯.牺牲的是速度.对于小不点这样的初学者来说真好.还有新式的板技术上有很大的改良,都很好控制.基本上是板随人动.用不同的姿势造成重心的偏移,拐弯很容易. 大家如果买二手的板的话,千万注意不要买个老古董回来,不好控制不说,还大大地打击了自己的积极性. :)