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赵一力:中国国家主席江泽民下周将与布什总统在其得克萨斯州克劳福德镇的私人牧场会晤您期待此次牧场峰会将会取得那些实质性成果? 将会对近期和长期的中美关系产生什么影响?

鲍威尔:布什总统非常期望下周五,在克罗佛德欢迎江主席的来访。当然我也会将在那里。克劳福德对我们总统来说,是一个很特殊的地方总统的家和牧场都在那儿,总统总是把他认为是朋友的人带到那里去。他当然把江泽民主席看作一个朋友。本届政府二十一个月以来,总统对中美关系的发展感到很欣慰。两位总统已经见过几次面我也和我的中国同事唐家璇外长保持紧密的联系,并定期进行沟通。我们能共同克服一些困难的局面,如去年发生的侦察机事件,我们能跨过这一障隘继续前进. 因为我们认识到,美国和中国必须合作。



鲍威尔:我相信我们将会有很好的会谈。距峰会还有一个星期, 从现在到下周, 会有很多事情发生。在联合国正取得些进展, 到下周我们再看看会有什么情况,但布什总统肯定会向江主席表明我们确信不疑的东西,那就是伊拉克违已反了曾通过的决议, 武器检查人员必须带着措施尽可能严厉的视察机制重返伊拉克, 并且, 如果这次伊拉克再违反协议, 它将承担后果。我相信两位总统将会讨论这些问题。给我留下的影象是, 中国人民和中国领导人很了解这些问题。我期待着两位总统的会谈富有成果。

赵一力:九一一事件已经清楚表明,基地组织和恐怖主义,才是美国真正的敌人. 您认为反恐战争将有助于改变美国对中国的看法,即中国不是潜在的威胁和敌人而是朋友和盟友?

鲍威尔:现在我们将中国看成是朋友,布什政府内没有人视中国为敌人,中国是一个重要的国家,正赢得新的世界地位,现在更是世贸组织的一员,因为参与全球经济(活动),中国现在正创造财富,我们想同中国一起,为中国的经济增长出力,造福全体中国人民,不仅是城市里的人,还包括生活在中国其它地区的人。 因此,我们这两个政治制度和信仰都不同的国家,完全有可能合作,缩小分歧和互相支持。我们不把中国看成是敌人。基地组织不光是美国的敌人,就像我们几天前看到,在印尼巴厘发生的事那样,基地组织是全世界的敌人。基地组织可以在印尼引爆炸弹,可以在美国引爆炸弹。就此而言,如果他们想的话,他们也可以在中国引爆炸弹。中国本身也关注一些与恐怖主义有联系的组织,我们(在这方面)一直与中国合作,从去年九一一事件以来,中国领导人和人民对美国的所有支持,对此我必须表示感激。

赵一力:关于台湾问题,美国一方面支持一个中国政策. 另一方面则不断向台湾出售先进武器这难道不是一个内在矛盾吗?





鲍威尔:我想我还是同样的一个人,即使工作改变了,我也一直努力使自己不要改变,所以我当国务卿,差不多也和我当军人一样,一个努力为国效力的人,现在又为世界效力,试图为当今的各种难题寻找正确的答案,并确保自己、同事,国务院和驻外使馆的工作。我们努力去考虑其它国家和人民的想法, 我们不把我们的制度强加于人,我们向别人展示我们的制度。因为我们认为它比较好,让别人从中吸取教训。因此我觉得自己是这样一个人,他为国效力并向全世界展示,美国不想树敌,只想交朋友,我们不需要敌人我们只要朋友。希望(美国的)价值观念得到越来越多的人欣赏和理解。因此可以说,我当国务卿同我当军人是一样的。






回到刚才的问题,几个星期前,我们在平壤告诉朝鲜人,我们想(同他们)建立更好的关系, 但是他们必须在大杀伤性武器和导弹方面做些什么,必须在出售这类技术方面做些什么。我们告诉他们,我们知道他们的浓缩铀是完全不能接受的。令人吃惊的是(赵一力插话问:哪一个国家的浓缩铀?) 我不太想说是从哪里来的,我们向他们表明这违反了协议,一开始他们否认, 第二天他们回来说:“对,我们这样做了”,他们的立场非常强硬。我认为美国应该这样做,与这一地区的所有朋友磋商,向朝鲜发出清晰一致的信息----这种活动必须停止。如果(朝鲜)想同地区内的朋友实现关系正常化,如果想要世界提供援助来帮助解决经济困难的话,而又继续寻求大规模武器发展,就不能得到这种援助以及改善人民生活。

赵一力: 我相信这给中美合作,提供了一个新的机会.

鲍威尔:我肯定这是另一个领域,美国和中国有着相同的利益, 那就是不让朝鲜成为另一个核子国家,因为这个相同的利益,合作就有了同样的机会。


鲍威尔:我很高兴听到这些,这是件好事。我们能够在经历一段艰难的历史后,进行回顾并记住美中两国有过携手团结的时候,这让我们有机会分享各自的经验。 我希望(以往的)那种层次的合作也会存在于美中两国,未来的合作之中。




Yeeli: Mr. Secretary, it is our great honor and pleasure having you on our program today.

Powell: It is my pleasure.

Yeeli: Mr. Secretary, as you know Chinese President Jiang Zemin is going to meet with President Bush at his private ranch in Crawford, Texas next week. What do you expect to be the concrete outcomes of this ranch summit and how will it influence Sino-U.S relations in both the short and long term?

Powell:Well, let me say that President Bush is very much looking forward to receiving

President Jiang Zemin at Crawford next Friday. Of course, I will be there too. Crawford is a very special place for the President. It is his home, his ranch. He always brings people there he considers friends. He certainly considers President Jiang Zemin a friend. The President is pleased with the way that U.S-China relations have developed over the past 21 months of this administration. The two leaders have met a number of times and I have stayed in very close contact with my colleage, Foreign Miniser Tang and I talk to him in a regular basis. We have been able to get over these difficult situations, like the reconnaissance plane incidence last year. We got from there and put it behind us, because we realize that U.S and China must work together. Two important nations work to move forward, to improve our economic relationship, to improve our cooperation on sensitive matters in the region to increase stability, to discuss issues having to do with human rights, having to do with proliferation. I think this will be an opportunity to forward that relationship.The two Presidents will focus on economic issue, on cooperation issues, military to military cooperation╋ political cooperation.

I am sure that there will be a lot of talk about the regional situation, what is going on in North Korea right now. Obviously, they will also talk about Iraq. We stay in very close contact with our Chinese colleagues because they are one of the permanent members of the Security Council. We stay in close touch with China on the UN resolution with respect to Iraq.

Yeeli: Will President Bush try to persuade Chinese President Jiang to support UN to take

next step?

Powell: Well, I am sure we will have good conversation. Since that is still a week away, a lot will happen between now and next week. I think we are seeing some movement now in the

United Nations. We will see where we are going next week. But I am sure the President will convey to President Jiang Zemin our belief that Iraq is in violation of these resolutions.

Inspectors must go back in with the strongest possible inspection regime and that there must be consquences if this time Iraq violates its obligations. I am sure they will talk about it. My impression is that Chinese understands these issues and Chinese leadership understands these issues. I look forward that the two leaders will have fruitful conversation.

Yeeli: The events of 9/11 have made it clear that Al Qaeda and terrorism are real enemies of the United States; do you think that the war on terrorism will help reshape U.S perceptions of China, such that China will not be seen as a potential threat or enemy but rather a friend and ally?

Powell: We see China as a friend now, nobody in the administration sees China as an enemy, China is an important country that is gaining new fonds data in the world and now it's a part of world trade organisation. Now there's generating wealth because it's paticipating global economy. We want to work with China to help China 's growth, to benefit all of chinese people. Not just those in urban areas but those who live in the other part of China. And so it's quite possible for our two nations with different political systems and different beliefs to coopereate to narrow diferences to support on another. And we don't see China as an enemy, Al Qaeda is not just an enemy of the United States, as we saw in Indonesia on Bali few days ago, Al Qaeda is an enemy of the world. Al Qaeda can explose bombs in Indonesia, and can explose bombs in the United States. For that matter , if they thought there's a purpose, they can explose bombs in China. China has its own concern with the organisations those have terror links. We've cooperated with China, I must say that I have to express my appriation thanks to all the support that China leaders and chinese people have given to the United States since 9/11 in 2001.

Yeeli: Chinese peolple also thank to american peole while showing sympathy to american people. And regarding Taiwan, isn't there an in herent contradiction between U.S support of the One China Policy and its continued sale of advanced weaponry to Taiwan?

Powell: We are very much committed to One China Policy, and president Bush will reaffirm that again to president Jiang Ze Min, and three communiques that floated from One China Policy position, but we also have a Taiwan Relations Act that is the United State's law which requires that we make sure that Taiwan has the ability to provide force defence. But we are no way doing anything that tip the balance between the parties in the region. So we believe that the Taiwan resolution act and the weapon sales that we have from time to time with Taiwan are not at all inconsisted with our One China Policy, and the commitments we've made to China. And I think the experience of the past decades what we have lived on with this policy bail that out, I want One China Policy back to the seventies' and we are able to structure good relationship with China, and dischage the responsibilties that we have to Taiwan.

Yeeli: Regarding Iraq, U.S war plans and preparations are clearly under way, do you believe war with Iraq is inevitable?

Powell: No, war is never inevitable. I'm a soldier and I studied the war. War should never be seen as inevitable. We should do everything to avoid a war. And president Bush said repeatedly that he wants to solve this peacefully, but he has also said repeatedly that it must be solved. We can not allow in this day 2002 for Iraq to continue to ignore the will of international community for Iraq to develop the weapons of mass destruction which threaten the region, and if they got a hand of terrorist, that could threaten the world. So we will be affirm looking for a peaceful solution, but the only way to get a peaceful solution is for Iraq believe they will be compeled to obey if they don't obey willingly.

Yeeli: And Mr. Secretary, you have been a very successful military man for most of your career, how has your current position as a leader in the diplomatic arena changed you as a person, or your attitudes and perspectives?

Powell: I think I'm the same person, I've tried never to change person even though I change jobs. So I got my work as a secretary of the state pretty much the same way I did as a soldier, someone who is trying to serve his country, and now to serve the world, and to try to find a right answer to the difficult questions of the day, and to make sure that my work and the work of my colleagues and the department of the states and the ambassies all around the world, we try to be considerate of other views of other nations and people, we don't try to impose our system, we show our system to others because we think our system is a good one, and let others draw lessons from our system, so I think I'm someone who serves the nation, someone who shows the rest of the world that America seeks no enemies, we only seeks friends, we don't need enemies, we only want friends, and hopefully that value system is a value system that more and more people will come to apprieciated, and so I go my job as a secretary of the state , the same way I run about as a soldier.

Yeeli: Just one question on the top news of today. What is your reaction to North Korea's diclosure of its nuclear development program?

Powell: Ealier this summer, we received information that suggested North Korea is violating the obligation under the Greek Framework and other aggreements that they are getting into, by striding to enriched uranium. And we studied it very carefully, we consulted with Chinese colleagues and Japanise colleagues, South Korean colleagues and Russian colleagues, and then we reached up with North Korea.

Yeeli: It's warning.

Powell: No, it's 12 o'clock. For all of the viewers, our clock just run off and struck twelve.

Back to the question at hand, we told North Koreans in PingYang a couple of weeks ago that we want to have a better relationship, but they had to do something about weapon destruction and something about missles. They had to do something about the sale of this kind of technology, and we told them we knew their enriched uranium that was simply unacceptable. And to a great surprise (enriched uranium from which country? ) enriched uranium I'd rather not get into where is come from. But we make it clear to them that this is a violation to the agreements. And first they denied, in the next day , they came back to say yes, we are doing it. And they took a very harline position. now I think it's a proproiate for the United States consult to the all of its friends in the region, and for all of us to give a straight consisted messege to North Korea that these kind of activiteis must stop if you wish to normoalize the relation with friends in the region potential friends in the region, and, if you wish to have a kind of asistance that the world can provide to you to help your economic problem you will not get this kind of assistance, she will not move forward to a better life, if you can continue to persue this kind of weapon of mass development.

Yeeli: I believe that we'll offer new opportunities for the cooperation between China and the United States.

Powell: I am sure that this is another area where the United States and China will have a similar interest, and that is to keep North Korea from becoming a nuclear power, and because we have similar interest and that gives us this opportunity to cooperate.

Yeeli: Before letting you go. I know time is up, I just want to be sure that you are aware of no-going activities for the commenmoration of cooperation between Amercian and Chinese pilots during World War II. There is an exhibition in the Woods Wilson Centre, the Chinese delegation will pay their respects at the Alington cemetary tomorrow, and commenmorting activities will take place at President Bush's library. Could you please make a brief comment on that?

Powell: Now I'm very happy to hear about all of that, and it's good that we can look back after some difficult history, and remember when there was a unity between our 2 nations, and this let us to have a chance to share their experience with one another, and that level of cooperations I hope will be the kind of cooperation that would be exist in the future between the United States and China.