OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
CPU: GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 1864 MHz with 1022MB RAM
Video: NVIDIA GeForce Go 6200 (7083)
General protection fault!
History: UObject:rocessEvent <- (a_guard_MHuman 20_22.a_guard_MHuman0, Function LineageWarrior.LineagePawn.PostBeginPlay) <- ULevel::SpawnActor <- (a_guard_MHuman) <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=NpcInfoPacket <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
CPU: GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 1864 MHz with 1022MB RAM
Video: NVIDIA GeForce Go 6200 (7083)
General protection fault!
History: UObject:rocessEvent <- (a_guard_MHuman 20_22.a_guard_MHuman0, Function LineageWarrior.LineagePawn.PostBeginPlay) <- ULevel::SpawnActor <- (a_guard_MHuman) <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=NpcInfoPacket <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop