[寻找] 有人理发吗?!

最初由 once&4all 发布
If you like to have the good hair cut , go to see David LEE , IN THE 180 YORK ST ( @ CUNBERLAND ST ) his phone # 8681326 , his salon have a lots chinese students clients , and he speak maderine & contonese . from HK and used to lived in France
Re: Re: [寻找] 有人理发吗?!

最初由 hair tango 发布

If you like to have the good hair cut , go to see David LEE , IN THE 180 YORK ST ( @ CUNBERLAND ST ) his phone # 8681326 , his salon have a lots chinese students clients , and he speak maderine & contonese . from HK and used to lived in France
thanks a lot
在那里做的离子烫,很喜欢!帮顶:cool: :cool:

call 2304375 Ellen Professional haircut in Booth street speak mandarin,cantonese & english price $6-$8