到了每年的二月份,RRSP就是最热门的话题, RRSP的避税功能实在是如雷贯耳,但我认为RRSP说穿了是一种强制性的存款。对于加拿大人喜欢用光花光的消费习惯,RRSP的确让不少人给老了后的生活留下了一点儿积蓄,但是它的投资价值不高,借款买RRSP更是亏到了家。
When you put money into your RRSP, you get a tax break. But when you take money out, you have to pay a withholding tax. Note that the withholding tax rate is not your marginal tax rate. Often people try to minimize withholding tax, thinking it will be their total tax bill, and they are then surprised at the end of the year when they have additional taxes owing.
$5000 以下,要交税10%; $5000到$15,000, 要交税20%; $15,000以上要交30%.
计算方法如下:如你家的收入在34,000以下,你有$2000的额度打算购买RRSP, RRSP的每年回报为6%。你打算存35年(假如你现在30岁)。
AFTER 35 YEARS, $2000 will become $15372, if you want to withdraw this money , you have to pay 30% tax by that time $15372*30%=$4611.6. 所以,你在35年以后还有$10760.4
如果你没有买RRSP, 而是交了当年的税,把余下的钱存了起来,回报也是6%,要交的税为$2000*(6.05%+15%)=421, 余$1579,After 35 years, $1579 become $12136, since it is your deposit saving you don’t have to pay for tax again. Certainly, you have to pay tax for 50% of interests as capital gain. Roughly, You will have to pay ($12136-1579)*50%*(6.05%+15%)= 1111.12, then you still have $11024.88 left.
Which is still better than $10760.4 from RRSP saving
就是对中高收入家庭,RRSP的回报也只是稍稍的比一般存款好一点,如果你善于投资,找到比RRSP回报高的投资方式,虽然CAPITAL GAIN是要按50%报收入缴税,那也不一定比RRSP到最后,实打实的按10%,20% 或30%收税更糟。
When you put money into your RRSP, you get a tax break. But when you take money out, you have to pay a withholding tax. Note that the withholding tax rate is not your marginal tax rate. Often people try to minimize withholding tax, thinking it will be their total tax bill, and they are then surprised at the end of the year when they have additional taxes owing.
$5000 以下,要交税10%; $5000到$15,000, 要交税20%; $15,000以上要交30%.
计算方法如下:如你家的收入在34,000以下,你有$2000的额度打算购买RRSP, RRSP的每年回报为6%。你打算存35年(假如你现在30岁)。
AFTER 35 YEARS, $2000 will become $15372, if you want to withdraw this money , you have to pay 30% tax by that time $15372*30%=$4611.6. 所以,你在35年以后还有$10760.4
如果你没有买RRSP, 而是交了当年的税,把余下的钱存了起来,回报也是6%,要交的税为$2000*(6.05%+15%)=421, 余$1579,After 35 years, $1579 become $12136, since it is your deposit saving you don’t have to pay for tax again. Certainly, you have to pay tax for 50% of interests as capital gain. Roughly, You will have to pay ($12136-1579)*50%*(6.05%+15%)= 1111.12, then you still have $11024.88 left.
Which is still better than $10760.4 from RRSP saving
就是对中高收入家庭,RRSP的回报也只是稍稍的比一般存款好一点,如果你善于投资,找到比RRSP回报高的投资方式,虽然CAPITAL GAIN是要按50%报收入缴税,那也不一定比RRSP到最后,实打实的按10%,20% 或30%收税更糟。