[问题] My little girl doesn't take bottle

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 Kayla
  • 开始时间 开始时间


My daughter almost 1 yr old, I only breast feeding at night, but my breast milk is slow down now, when she sucking is painful, I try to give her bottle, but she doesn't like it, is any other suggestion? Thanks.
Give her some time, she will learn how to use cup soon. My daughter now is 15 month old and she never learned how to use bottle but switched from nipple to cup very easily. Good luck!
I did try put milk in the bottle or cup for her, but she just won't suck it when she wake up middle of the night, should I just let her cry? Last night she was standing in her crib crying when she wakes up. after that she didn't sleep good at all, woke up every hour, maybe she didn't eat enough. What should I do?
最初由 Kayla 发布
I did try put milk in the bottle or cup for her, but she just won't suck it when she wake up middle of the night, should I just let her cry? Last night she was standing in her crib crying when she wakes up. after that she didn't sleep good at all, woke up every hour, maybe she didn't eat enough. What should I do?
Try the bottle or cup more when she is in a happy mood during the day. My daughter learned how to use a cup when she played with the cup. Somehow she figured out biting and sucking can get her something out of the cup. Good luck.
最初由 yaoyaoma 发布

Try the bottle or cup more when she is in a happy mood during the day. My daughter learned how to use a cup when she played with the cup. Somehow she figured out biting and sucking can get her something out of the cup. Good luck.

I agree with the above method, because my son doesn't like to take bottle and formula milk. He is only 7months old now, and I'm going to stop my breast feeding when he goes to 1yr old.

I started to let him using bottle to drink water even he really doesn't like it, but I let him hold the bottle to play, bite and suck, everytime he only drink a bit but better than nothing, hopefully he can really drink it one day then I can start to try drinking formula milk by bottle.

I've bought a training cup, will let him try to drink water with it after 1yr old.

Hope you success one day, good luck!!