着急~~请问post grade 工签的问题


我是拿的post grade的工签,one year的,到今年九月就到期了。据说到九月后可以申请移民,如果想要在这里等消息的话,就一定得上学,要么就得回国。我如果去渥太华找到另一份工作的话(我现在的工作在温哥华),可不可以再申请另一张working permit。还是我这种post的就最多给一年的签证,没有再续的可能啊? 另外,如果我想上学的话,跨省的话可不可以?还是我要去以后学校的所在省递交移民申请啊?

Here is a trick! ;)

If you live with you bf as common-law partner, and if you bf is attending Full Time schoool, you can apply for OPEN work permit, which allows you to work for any company for any job type (unless there is security restriction).
先谢谢你,我是想问什么是common-law partner?要怎么证明是common-law partner啊?现在是他在渥太华,我在温哥华阿!从什么时候开始算起呢?
最初由 小葱拌豆腐 发布
我是拿的post grade的工签,one year的,到今年九月就到期了。据说到九月后可以申请移民,如果想要在这里等消息的话,就一定得上学,要么就得回国。我如果去渥太华找到另一份工作的话(我现在的工作在温哥华),可不可以再申请另一张working permit。还是我这种post的就最多给一年的签证,没有再续的可能啊? 另外,如果我想上学的话,跨省的话可不可以?还是我要去以后学校的所在省递交移民申请啊?


你的工作签证恐怕只能拿这一年, 没的可续了. 即使你可以在渥太华找到另一份工作, 也无法续工作签证, 因为毕业实习的签证只给一年. 你已经在MTV(Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver)地区办了一年签证, 不能享受在MTV之外地区可以办两年的那种签证了. (如果你毕业于MTV城市之内的学校, 那么本来也无法享受两年那种.)

可以另外申请一所学校去读书. 不懂你说的垮省是什么意思, 你可以随便到任何一间大学去读书, 哪个省都可以啊.

你递交移民申请, 如果是在讲技术移民, 那应该是递交到加拿大境外的, Buffalo, NY, 所以跟你住在加拿大哪个省没关系.

不过, 建议你在当地找间移民公司询问一下BC省的PNP技术移民, Provincial Nominee Program, 看你合格不? 我记得如果在当地毕业的, 有当地工作的, 好像再有一项要求达到就可以在申请省提名移民, (但是我忘了还有一项要求是什么) 办起来要快很多, 说不定现在已经可以申请了呢. 你有没有问问.
最初由 bubbleface 发布
Here is a trick! ;)

If you live with you bf as common-law partner, and if you bf is attending Full Time schoool, you can apply for OPEN work permit, which allows you to work for any company for any job type (unless there is security restriction).

If my bf working full time,can I apply for OPEN work permit?
最初由 *诗诗* 发布

If my bf working full time,can I apply for OPEN work permit?

If you meet the common-law partner requirement, AND if your bf is holding a full time work permit, YES, you can apply open work permit.

Spouses and common-law partners of skilled foreign workers, spouses and common-law partners of certain foreign students, spouses and common-law partners of a person doing post-graduation employment for certain foreign students and post-doctoral fellows do not need a confirmation from HRSDC.


Your spouse (husband, wife or common-law partner) may qualify for a work permit without the need for a job confirmation from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC).

Before your spouse can apply for a work permit without an HRSDC confirmation, you must meet two requirements:

You must be authorized to work in Canada for six months or longer.
The work you are doing must meet a minimum skill level (usually work that would require at least a college diploma). Specifically, your job must be listed in Skill Level O, A or B in the National Occupational Classification.
If you meet these two requirements, your spouse may apply for a work permit that is “open” and that will allow them to accept any job depending on whether or not a medical exam was done.

Your spouse’s permit will be valid for the same period as your authorization to work in Canada.
最初由 小葱拌豆腐 发布
先谢谢你,我是想问什么是common-law partner?要怎么证明是common-law partner啊?现在是他在渥太华,我在温哥华阿!从什么时候开始算起呢?

那很难啦 你们不住在一起 common-law partner 的最基本条件是同居12个月,然后还要有共同帐户,共同报税,其实就是除了结婚纸别的都和已婚的差不多的。