维纳斯的眼泪 新手上路 注册 2005-03-24 消息 90 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2006-04-19 #2 要交税的,要交:关税+GST+PST+processing fee.具体的%不清楚,被收过一次,差不多是我所购物品价值的一半。
1784 初级会员 VIP 注册 2002-05-22 消息 22,968 荣誉分数 902 声望点数 293 2006-04-25 #4 depends on where and what you buy ...
L LiteUser 知名会员 注册 2004-12-17 消息 104 荣誉分数 14 声望点数 128 2006-04-25 #5 最初由 liujason 发布 通过加拿大边境要交税么?要交多少? 点击展开... You have to pay GST and PST, and possibly duty if the product is not manufactured in North America. The courier like UPS will also charges a processing fee of about 50 dolloars. However they are ways to avoid the processing fee: http://www.cbc.ca/consumers/market/files/home/courierfees/steps.html Or you can have them ship to the UPS store in Ogdensburg, it's a 40 min drive down the 416 to pick it up afterwards. Not sure if they will forward it. The UPS Store # 2946 2981 FORD ST EXTENSION OGDENSBURG, NY 13669-3474 - USA Phone: (315)393-1188 www.upsstore.com Or ship to a friend in US, and ask your friend to send to you as a GIFT...you could save the taxes as well.
最初由 liujason 发布 通过加拿大边境要交税么?要交多少? 点击展开... You have to pay GST and PST, and possibly duty if the product is not manufactured in North America. The courier like UPS will also charges a processing fee of about 50 dolloars. However they are ways to avoid the processing fee: http://www.cbc.ca/consumers/market/files/home/courierfees/steps.html Or you can have them ship to the UPS store in Ogdensburg, it's a 40 min drive down the 416 to pick it up afterwards. Not sure if they will forward it. The UPS Store # 2946 2981 FORD ST EXTENSION OGDENSBURG, NY 13669-3474 - USA Phone: (315)393-1188 www.upsstore.com Or ship to a friend in US, and ask your friend to send to you as a GIFT...you could save the taxes as well.
2 21251234 新手上路 注册 2006-05-21 消息 3 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2006-05-22 #6 基本上没有什么税的!EMS全球快递是和个国签署协议的!量少没有形成贸易的话的不收税的!海关的抽查率是3%如果有顾虑你可以到www.huarenle.com购买,如果收关税的话那么你可以拒收!