O *o* 新手上路 注册 2002-01-23 消息 94 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-11-17 #2 I just bought Canon powershot A40.$399 in Focus Center. 2M pixel, 8M memory. It's great. Good quality. We are really happy about it.
I just bought Canon powershot A40.$399 in Focus Center. 2M pixel, 8M memory. It's great. Good quality. We are really happy about it.
JYY -=CFC=- || JYY 注册 2002-03-21 消息 1,804 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 38 2002-11-18 #3 thanks *v*, where did you buy it
D DDDD 知名会员 注册 2002-04-09 消息 1,849 荣誉分数 61 声望点数 158 2002-11-18 #4 最初由 JYY 发布 thanks *v*, where did you buy it 点击展开... FOCUS CENTER 267 BANK STREET.
*冷裤到底* 好孩子,用功学习i ng ~ 注册 2002-11-11 消息 24,761 荣誉分数 14 声望点数 0 2002-11-18 #5 建议你买佳能或者奥林帕斯的 大概600―700吧,买就买个好的吗 而且效果好,耐用,样子也好看,去future shop看看吧! 别舍不得,买就买一个不后悔的! 我用的是佳能的,799那一款,用起来非常的好!
建议你买佳能或者奥林帕斯的 大概600―700吧,买就买个好的吗 而且效果好,耐用,样子也好看,去future shop看看吧! 别舍不得,买就买一个不后悔的! 我用的是佳能的,799那一款,用起来非常的好!
*冷裤到底* 好孩子,用功学习i ng ~ 注册 2002-11-11 消息 24,761 荣誉分数 14 声望点数 0 2002-11-18 #6 还有一点要记住了,像速很重要 建议一定买300万以上的! 效果好!
西部牛仔 Moderator 注册 2002-01-16 消息 7,703 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-11-18 #7 那么数码相机与DESKTOP或者LAPTOP的那个连线是相同还是不同的?
D DDDD 知名会员 注册 2002-04-09 消息 1,849 荣誉分数 61 声望点数 158 2002-11-18 #10 佳能A40评论不错,两个月前还是499,现在399. 谁都知道贵的好,就是口袋受不了.如果你预算300-500,这一款好象比较合适. 另外还有一个SONY P71,不知道好不好,3.2M像素的.$549.知道的大侠评论一下. 另外看到佳能S30也降价了,原来799,现在699.应该就是冷酷到底的那一款.
佳能A40评论不错,两个月前还是499,现在399. 谁都知道贵的好,就是口袋受不了.如果你预算300-500,这一款好象比较合适. 另外还有一个SONY P71,不知道好不好,3.2M像素的.$549.知道的大侠评论一下. 另外看到佳能S30也降价了,原来799,现在699.应该就是冷酷到底的那一款.
西部牛仔 Moderator 注册 2002-01-16 消息 7,703 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-11-19 #11 最初由 Sawol 发布 一般是USB借口. 点击展开... 如果我有两个不同牌子的LAPTOPS,可以都用同一条USB吗?没有区别?那如果是DESKTOP哪?
H Homer 新手上路 注册 2002-11-05 消息 47 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-11-19 #12 faint. USB is USB. I won't talk about USB 2.0 becasue you must be confused. I just say that for USB no diference between notebook and desktop. 奥林帕斯D-550 3M 2.8 optical , 3.6 digital $499 in focuscentre and futureshop. $449 in focuscentre a week ago.
faint. USB is USB. I won't talk about USB 2.0 becasue you must be confused. I just say that for USB no diference between notebook and desktop. 奥林帕斯D-550 3M 2.8 optical , 3.6 digital $499 in focuscentre and futureshop. $449 in focuscentre a week ago.
JYY -=CFC=- || JYY 注册 2002-03-21 消息 1,804 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 38 2002-11-20 #13 最初由 *v* 发布 I just bought Canon powershot A40.$399 in Focus Center. 2M pixel, 8M memory. It's great. Good quality. We are really happy about it. 点击展开... do you know how much is the memory stick
最初由 *v* 发布 I just bought Canon powershot A40.$399 in Focus Center. 2M pixel, 8M memory. It's great. Good quality. We are really happy about it. 点击展开... do you know how much is the memory stick
JYY -=CFC=- || JYY 注册 2002-03-21 消息 1,804 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 38 2002-11-20 #14 how about Sony DSCP31, I saw it $349 in the sony store with 16M memory http://www.sonystyle.ca/webapp/comm...um=2200&display=overview&merchant_rn=1&page=1
how about Sony DSCP31, I saw it $349 in the sony store with 16M memory http://www.sonystyle.ca/webapp/comm...um=2200&display=overview&merchant_rn=1&page=1
JYY -=CFC=- || JYY 注册 2002-03-21 消息 1,804 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 38 2002-11-20 #15 or the DSCP51 Any suggestion for those two?