Z zhuhai'girl 新手上路 注册 2002-04-04 消息 228 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-11-18 #1 以前有人发过贴子,说有补浴缸瓷面的一种胶一类的东西卖。我的浴缸有好多小划痕和掉皮,想自已补补, 请知道的朋友提供一下该胶的名字,多谢!!!
B bill 知名会员 注册 2002-01-27 消息 642 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 128 2002-11-20 #4 I saw something in small tube like toothpaste named as porcelain repair(???) in Home Depot, I think that migt be the stuff you want. If it works, don't forget to let us know, maybe someone else here will need it later.
I saw something in small tube like toothpaste named as porcelain repair(???) in Home Depot, I think that migt be the stuff you want. If it works, don't forget to let us know, maybe someone else here will need it later.
Z zhuhai'girl 新手上路 注册 2002-04-04 消息 228 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-11-24 #5 It is just used to mend some nick, not very usefull if a piece of porcelain has fallen. Anyway, thank you very much!
It is just used to mend some nick, not very usefull if a piece of porcelain has fallen. Anyway, thank you very much!
江 江声浩荡 新手上路 注册 2002-03-18 消息 244 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-11-25 #6 最初由 zhuhai'girl 发布 以前有人发过贴子,说有补浴缸瓷面的一种胶一类的东西卖。我的浴缸有好多小划痕和掉皮,想自已补补, 请知道的朋友提供一下该胶的名字,多谢!!! 点击展开... You can buy Porcelain Touch-up Glaze from Home Depot. It works great. Before you go there, try to find who is the manufacture of your tub, e.g., "American Standard" or "Crane". They have slight different colors.
最初由 zhuhai'girl 发布 以前有人发过贴子,说有补浴缸瓷面的一种胶一类的东西卖。我的浴缸有好多小划痕和掉皮,想自已补补, 请知道的朋友提供一下该胶的名字,多谢!!! 点击展开... You can buy Porcelain Touch-up Glaze from Home Depot. It works great. Before you go there, try to find who is the manufacture of your tub, e.g., "American Standard" or "Crane". They have slight different colors.