G greenhand 资深人士 VIP 注册 2003-07-22 消息 1,308 荣誉分数 53 声望点数 208 2006-04-29 #1 用UFILE算只退400, 用QUICKTAX算能退8600, 但今年总共才交了8200的税, 到底该用哪家的数字呀? (三口之家, 只有一个人工作, 住QC, 小孩05年生的) 是不是住QC, 生了小孩, 一下会有很多退税? 因为以前几年都是基本持平的.
用UFILE算只退400, 用QUICKTAX算能退8600, 但今年总共才交了8200的税, 到底该用哪家的数字呀? (三口之家, 只有一个人工作, 住QC, 小孩05年生的) 是不是住QC, 生了小孩, 一下会有很多退税? 因为以前几年都是基本持平的.
J jboy1970 新手上路 注册 2005-06-24 消息 74 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2006-04-29 #2 as far as i know, quicktax is what people prefer. ufile cannot handle many complex cases. just efile to CRA with quicktax, your case will be look at anyway becuase you now have a child benefit.
as far as i know, quicktax is what people prefer. ufile cannot handle many complex cases. just efile to CRA with quicktax, your case will be look at anyway becuase you now have a child benefit.
悠 悠着点 能悠就悠吧 VIP 注册 2005-01-28 消息 2,007 荣誉分数 211 声望点数 73 2006-05-14 #3 这两个软件应该是一样的. 我想, 你填表有误. 你再仔细查查看.
Y yilin 新手上路 注册 2004-02-17 消息 212 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2006-06-06 #4 try this software http://www.mytaxexpress.com
wohaha 资深人士 VIP 注册 2005-04-21 消息 1,132 荣誉分数 885 声望点数 223 2006-06-21 #5 最初由 悠着点 发布 这两个软件应该是一样的. 我想, 你填表有误. 你再仔细查查看. 点击展开... I agree. Any software should be got same result.
D dkwan 资深人士 注册 2004-06-07 消息 4,419 荣誉分数 398 声望点数 243 2006-08-01 #7 -8200 + 8600, very normal situtaion, probably you lowered yourself a tax bracket.
无敌士 新手上路 注册 2006-03-12 消息 267 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2006-08-03 #8 there must be some mistake. print out one copy and compare with another. such simple mistake should not happen for those goverment approved softwares.
there must be some mistake. print out one copy and compare with another. such simple mistake should not happen for those goverment approved softwares.