My CIA high speed test

how's the bt, emule speed?

what is session ID?
download is above extreme, upload is below
if you are using rogers, they still have that god damn traffic limitation on bt/emule (P2P in general). They say none of the ports are blocked, just wont get through.......*sigh*.... CIA provides not just cable services, their DSL service is the same, except a bit more complicated installation. It is still 6mbit bandwidth, and it's 95% from Bell Sympatico even though I haven't confirmed. That won't have any limits on bt/emule downloads. Ask them carefully on every details, and don't trust them when they say, they will cancel your lines for you and shit, they are all bs. The installation will tell you to cancel yourself. They will also tell you a technician will call you up for phone installation, and on the actual guide it tells you the next steps on a downloaded flash video.
it's 100 for the modem, 100 for the adapter. after 6 months they return you 100 back. so it's 50 each, but you have to call them to ask for this. It is a promotion and the original way is like u rent for 6 months and after 6 months when u buy it u get 100 deduction. The guy who did it for me just let me pay 200 then after 6 months i get 100 back, same thing. so it isn't THAT expensive though the modem is fairly useless...

一张DVD 5.6G, 一个硬盘300G, 够用很久。。。
我以前用rogers也是几K,但是这几天女朋友回国了,就我自己用网,干脆把网线直连Cable,也奇怪了网速直彪280K。 我高不明白Rogers不是封端口吗?怎么接了路由器就能封住(路由器端口都已经映射了,在Rogers没封之前用路由器也能彪到接近300K),撤了路由就封不住了?