ADM1301/1101 Social Context of Business $20
David Delcorde/ Jjeffrey Roy (including lecture notes, two sample midterms)
PHI1101 Critical Thinking (4 Edition) $25
William Hughes & Jonathan Lavery
PHI1101 Course Package $5
(Free lecture notes, previous midterms and a sample final exam)
MAT1302 Linear Algebra (3 Edition) copy $10
David C. Lay (including lecture notes, electronic midterms and sample final exams)
ECO1102 Macroeconomic Study Guide 5th Edition copy $10
ENG1131 Checkmate-Joanne Buckley $20
ENG1131 Writing on the Job $15
John C. Brereton & Margaret A. Mansfield
ADM1300 + attachment $30
有意者请打电话: (819)595-5122
David Delcorde/ Jjeffrey Roy (including lecture notes, two sample midterms)
PHI1101 Critical Thinking (4 Edition) $25
William Hughes & Jonathan Lavery
PHI1101 Course Package $5
(Free lecture notes, previous midterms and a sample final exam)
MAT1302 Linear Algebra (3 Edition) copy $10
David C. Lay (including lecture notes, electronic midterms and sample final exams)
ECO1102 Macroeconomic Study Guide 5th Edition copy $10
ENG1131 Checkmate-Joanne Buckley $20
ENG1131 Writing on the Job $15
John C. Brereton & Margaret A. Mansfield
ADM1300 + attachment $30
有意者请打电话: (819)595-5122