With Ottawa’s spring coming, it is the time for all of the members of Tianjin University Ottawa Alumni Association to get together to talk, play and eat under the university flag.
Style: Potluck (bring you main course or dessert for your
family quantity)
Time and Date: 11.30AM ~3.30 PM, Saturday, May 27, 2006
Location: Andrew Haydon Park ,Ottawa, ON, Canada
Andrew Haydon Park ottawa
Special Note:
• The event will be postponed to Sunday May 28 if rain on Saturday or thw whole weekend. Please note the Community Note of the CFC just before the event. Our alumni group will send to the members as well.
• The Alumni Association will buy the general party items like paper dishware and drinks. There is $5 for each family, and $3 for student, to cover the overall cost.
• The event would be postponed to Sunday May 28 if it rains on Saturday or a later date if rain the whole weekend. Please check the Community Note at CFC web site (http://www.comefromchina.com/) days before the event. Our alumni group would also send the change notice if needed.
Come with your family, friends and relative and have an enjoyable day.
Tianjin University Ottawa Alumni Association
形式:聚餐[Potluck,自带主餐 或甜点],聊天,游戏。
时间:06 年5月27日,星期六,11.30AM ~3.30 PM
地点:Andrew Haydon Park ,Ottawa, ON, Canada
Andrew Haydon Park ottawa
• 如有天气问题,时间会更改。请注意临近的CFC社区活动通告.
• 校友会将集中购买饮料和一次性餐具,届时,请每个家庭支付$3~5。
• 如有任何疑问或需要搭车,请联系: utianjinottawa@rogers.com
Style: Potluck (bring you main course or dessert for your
family quantity)
Time and Date: 11.30AM ~3.30 PM, Saturday, May 27, 2006
Location: Andrew Haydon Park ,Ottawa, ON, Canada
Andrew Haydon Park ottawa
Special Note:
• The event will be postponed to Sunday May 28 if rain on Saturday or thw whole weekend. Please note the Community Note of the CFC just before the event. Our alumni group will send to the members as well.
• The Alumni Association will buy the general party items like paper dishware and drinks. There is $5 for each family, and $3 for student, to cover the overall cost.
• The event would be postponed to Sunday May 28 if it rains on Saturday or a later date if rain the whole weekend. Please check the Community Note at CFC web site (http://www.comefromchina.com/) days before the event. Our alumni group would also send the change notice if needed.
Come with your family, friends and relative and have an enjoyable day.
Tianjin University Ottawa Alumni Association
形式:聚餐[Potluck,自带主餐 或甜点],聊天,游戏。
时间:06 年5月27日,星期六,11.30AM ~3.30 PM
地点:Andrew Haydon Park ,Ottawa, ON, Canada
Andrew Haydon Park ottawa
• 如有天气问题,时间会更改。请注意临近的CFC社区活动通告.
• 校友会将集中购买饮料和一次性餐具,届时,请每个家庭支付$3~5。
• 如有任何疑问或需要搭车,请联系: utianjinottawa@rogers.com