BARRY KEYS 视觉产业精英 注册 2003-05-14 消息 1,433 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2006-05-10 #1 主题可能有些单调,用了以前拍的2张旧照片,最后自己也在里面客串了一下
chef chef 注册 2004-07-14 消息 710 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 0 2006-05-10 #2 nice pics but cheer up man, end of relationship is not the end of the world, right btw,I do not know you, just have the pleasure of seeing some of your
nice pics but cheer up man, end of relationship is not the end of the world, right btw,I do not know you, just have the pleasure of seeing some of your
BARRY KEYS 视觉产业精英 注册 2003-05-14 消息 1,433 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2006-05-10 #4 哈哈,现在都没事了,这个是突然想到的IDEA,然后加以夸张的,谢谢大家关心
阿搜 搜公馆少爷 管理成员 注册 2002-01-16 消息 9,686 荣誉分数 5 声望点数 0 2006-05-10 #5 feeling and thought are great thing for photo. just hope next time see something different from you. Great works, by the way.
feeling and thought are great thing for photo. just hope next time see something different from you. Great works, by the way.
BARRY KEYS 视觉产业精英 注册 2003-05-14 消息 1,433 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2006-05-10 #6 不同的是说主题还是照片手法? 最初由 阿搜 发布 feeling and thought are great thing for photo. just hope next time see something different from you. Great works, by the way. 点击展开...
不同的是说主题还是照片手法? 最初由 阿搜 发布 feeling and thought are great thing for photo. just hope next time see something different from you. Great works, by the way. 点击展开...
A amm 新手上路 注册 2006-04-12 消息 30 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2006-05-11 #7 说句题外话:Barry看着比以前谦虚了。 请教一个问题,照片的效果是ps出来的还是拍摄前期用光打出来的?
BARRY KEYS 视觉产业精英 注册 2003-05-14 消息 1,433 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2006-05-11 #9 :)是用了一个闪光灯,第二张里是下午大太阳时拍的,但ps成了黄昏效果,做了很多图层来保留需要的光线颜色,这张照片被裁减过,本来还有些风景在右侧。个人非常喜欢这张,只是应该换个MODEL就好了 最初由 amm 发布 说句题外话:Barry看着比以前谦虚了。 请教一个问题,照片的效果是ps出来的还是拍摄前期用光打出来的? 点击展开...
:)是用了一个闪光灯,第二张里是下午大太阳时拍的,但ps成了黄昏效果,做了很多图层来保留需要的光线颜色,这张照片被裁减过,本来还有些风景在右侧。个人非常喜欢这张,只是应该换个MODEL就好了 最初由 amm 发布 说句题外话:Barry看着比以前谦虚了。 请教一个问题,照片的效果是ps出来的还是拍摄前期用光打出来的? 点击展开...