荷塘夜色 新手上路 注册 2002-07-11 消息 6,840 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 0 2006-05-12 #1 装机后是不是要装: 声卡驱动 显卡驱动, 硬盘驱动, 主版驱动`` 还有他们每个的工具````
荷塘夜色 新手上路 注册 2002-07-11 消息 6,840 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 0 2006-05-12 #2 那是不是连 比如说网卡驱动啊, 调至解调器驱动都要装? CPU工具```????
R Romanoffi 知名会员 VIP 注册 2003-01-26 消息 581 荣誉分数 38 声望点数 138 2006-05-14 #5 If everything is running fine, then you don't need any driver. Drivers help devices working properly or have better performance.
If everything is running fine, then you don't need any driver. Drivers help devices working properly or have better performance.
L lostedbo 新手上路 注册 2006-03-29 消息 298 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 26 2006-05-15 #6 as long as your harddrive can be recognized, u'll be fine... u'll need video and sound drivers... for cpu i don't think u install the driver urself. for cd drive unless it's got problems u don't need it.
as long as your harddrive can be recognized, u'll be fine... u'll need video and sound drivers... for cpu i don't think u install the driver urself. for cd drive unless it's got problems u don't need it.