保守党新政府上台伊始,总理哈珀以及总督向华人社区就人头税问题正式道歉,并承诺就有关赔偿事宜重新开始磋商。因此,人头税问题再次引起全加民众,特别是华人社区的高度关注。由于人头税问题发生年代久远, 很多人都急切希望了解其历史背景, 由来及发展。 为此,渥太华中国大专校友会特别举办人头税与人权法讲座及研讨会,向各界华人和留学生介绍困扰侨界多年的人头税问题的方方面面。届时将邀请加拿大著名人权律师,历史学家聂宗典女士 (Ms. Dora Nipp) 来渥太华作专场演讲。聂宗典女士多年来致力于研究华裔在加拿大面临的人权问题, 收集了大量的宝贵资料, 为加拿大著名的华裔人权问题专家。 研讨会上还将放映有关人头税和人权问题的纪录影片。同时,大家还可以就目前许多华人面临的人权问题与聂宗典女士进行探讨,并向聂宗典女士咨询。我们相信,这是一场非常及时的,关系到华人社区切身利益的研讨会。欢迎大家踊跃参加。
时间:2006年6月17日, Saturday 6:30 pm
地点:卡尔顿大学, 282 University Centre (near Parking Lot 2)
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Jun-13-06 13:55 | 评价 | 编辑/删除 | 引用/回复| 举报
ID: 9370
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金钱: 1696
Dora Nipp is originally from northern B.C. She is a historian, film-maker and lawyer. She volunteers her time as the Chief Executive Officer of the Multicultural History Society of Ontario. Her great-grandfather and a grandmother were head-tax payers; her grandfather was a CPR labourer who arrived in 1881. Her area of interest is Chinese Canadian history and she has been involved with the Chinese Head Tax Redress issues.
Dora curated "Reflections: Images of Chinese Women in Canada", a historical photo exhibit that premiered in Macao in 2004 drawing 20,000 visitors in 2 months. The exhibit then toured China. Dora wrote and directed the NFB documentary, "Under the Willow Tree: Pioneer Chinese Women in Canada". She was involved with Polyphony: the Chinese in Ontario, A Historical Guide to Ontario's Chinatowns, and Jin Guo: Voices of Chinese Canadian Women.
CFC中文网 - www
保守党新政府上台伊始,总理哈珀以及总督向华人社区就人头税问题正式道歉,并承诺就有关赔偿事宜重新开始磋商。因此,人头税问题再次引起全加民众,特别是华人社区的高度关注。由于人头税问题发生年代久远, 很多人都急切希望了解其历史背景, 由来及发展。 为此,渥太华中国大专校友会特别举办人头税与人权法讲座及研讨会,向各界华人和留学生介绍困扰侨界多年的人头税问题的方方面面。届时将邀请加拿大著名人权律师,历史学家聂宗典女士 (Ms. Dora Nipp) 来渥太华作专场演讲。聂宗典女士多年来致力于研究华裔在加拿大面临的人权问题, 收集了大量的宝贵资料, 为加拿大著名的华裔人权问题专家。 研讨会上还将放映有关人头税和人权问题的纪录影片。同时,大家还可以就目前许多华人面临的人权问题与聂宗典女士进行探讨,并向聂宗典女士咨询。我们相信,这是一场非常及时的,关系到华人社区切身利益的研讨会。欢迎大家踊跃参加。
时间:2006年6月17日, Saturday 6:30 pm
地点:卡尔顿大学, 282 University Centre (near Parking Lot 2)
CFC中文网 -
Jun-13-06 13:55 | 评价 | 编辑/删除 | 引用/回复| 举报
ID: 9370
状态: Offline
金钱: 1696
Dora Nipp is originally from northern B.C. She is a historian, film-maker and lawyer. She volunteers her time as the Chief Executive Officer of the Multicultural History Society of Ontario. Her great-grandfather and a grandmother were head-tax payers; her grandfather was a CPR labourer who arrived in 1881. Her area of interest is Chinese Canadian history and she has been involved with the Chinese Head Tax Redress issues.
Dora curated "Reflections: Images of Chinese Women in Canada", a historical photo exhibit that premiered in Macao in 2004 drawing 20,000 visitors in 2 months. The exhibit then toured China. Dora wrote and directed the NFB documentary, "Under the Willow Tree: Pioneer Chinese Women in Canada". She was involved with Polyphony: the Chinese in Ontario, A Historical Guide to Ontario's Chinatowns, and Jin Guo: Voices of Chinese Canadian Women.
CFC中文网 - www