加京华侨服务处消息- Algonquin College bridging program

所谓 Briding Program 是指一些帮助新移民就业的计划,它可能包括一些在校学习,一些实习,或是与一些有经验的老移民相互交流成功经验。以下计划是由World Skills参与,同Algonquin college合作,将于近期内推出的一些计划,有意者请将简历发往World Skills的联系人Mark Quinn 的信箱内:


Algonquin Connecting the Expertise of the Internationally Trained (ACE IT) ? Update

The programs continue to move from the Development Stage to the Implementation Stage. Please understand that there are numerous barriers that continue to face some of these programs and therefore the timeline of their delivery ? so please be patient. The Program Costs are yet to be determined.

In order to make this process as fair and as equitable as possible ? I ask that you start to identify potential candidates for the programs that are set to begin this fall or winter (COMP, PREP, Polysomnography, Cardiac Diagnostics and Anesthesia Assistant) and have them forward resumes or profiles to mark@ottawa-worldskills.org so that we can create a base / list.

Algonquin will make the final decisions on which candidates are accepted but we would like to ensure that we are well prepared in advance when the application process begins so that World Skills clients will be successful. Our goal is to have World Skills clients occupy every position in each of these programs.

COMP - Connections Ottawa Mentorship Program (for Internationally Educated Professionals and Skilled Workers)

This program will essentially run in 3 phases …

Phase 1 (Starting September / October 2006) ? 12 to 15 non healthcare positions
Phase 2 (Starting April / May 2007) ? 15 non healthcare positions
Phase 3 (Starting October / November 2007) ? 15 positions

Mentors are being recruited at this time. Once Mentors have been identified ? we will match selected Mentees in order for make the best fit.

The program will consist of 24 hours over 6 months ? negotiated between Mentor and Mentee with guidance from the Program Committee (ie. may be 1 hour per week or 2 hours every 2nd week etc.)

Mentors and Mentees will take an introductory workshop prior to participation in this program.

Once we know the background of the Mentors ? we will advise on what background the Mentees should have to best suit this relationship.

PREP ? Preparation for Regulated Employment Program

For anyone eligible to challenge the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists credential exam to prepare for that exam.

Eligible Candidates will be assessed by the Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR) Department at Algonquin. Candidates will then be advised on what areas need to be developed in order to challenge the exam successfully. Each program will be designed to each individuals needs based on this assessment. Practice exams similar in format to the credential exams will be completed and reviewed to assist in the credential exam preparation.

10 Candidates will be accepted for September 2006


100 hour ? part time course ? 3 individual courses that range from 30 to 35 hours each

Graduates will receive a College Certificate and be eligible to challenge the American Certification exams (the recognized exams for Canada) after the pre-requisite clinic experience.

10 Candidate will be accepted for September 2006

Cardiac Diagnostics

100 hour ? part time course ? 3 individual courses that range from 30 to 35 hours each

Graduates will be able to work in settings such as hospital labs, clinics and research or private industry. Graduates will be eligible to write the Professional Association Certificate, but it is not required for employment.

10 Candidates will be accepted for January 2007

Anesthesia Assistant

Outline for this program is yet to be determined.

May include 2 Levels ? (1) Basic for Anesthesia Technician and (2) Advanced for Anesthesia Assistant.

Still hoping to start in January 2007 but not likely at this point

Respiratory Therapist

Outline for this program is yet to be determined

Candidates identified by PREP / PLAR may be eligible to integrate into the Respiratory Therapist Program

Still hoping to start in January 2008 ? 2 year program

Additional Information

As we near the application and admissions process ? we may hold information sessions for the individual programs at World Skills on Argyle.