
Show me the fish ! :D

I was at Ottawa river last Sunday and caught a small cat fish. I think fishing and photography can really go along together, as the best time for both activities are at sun rise and sun set.
cat fish. :)

I remember the spike pushed half way through my palm once.

Well, I took my camera couple of times when fishing, ends up in the bag shooting nothing.
But fish are delicous.
I didn't get any fish because I was busy shooting around and playing with different settings. We ended up getting one small mouth bass weighted about 1.5 lbs. Btw, these pictures were taken at Arrowhead Provincial Park, which is south-west of Algonquin Provincial Park.
最初由 阿搜 发布
cat fish. :)

Well, I took my camera couple of times when fishing, ends up in the bag shooting nothing.
But fish are delicous.


1. 着急上火, 指望着晚餐有油炸sun fish, 鲈鱼汤, 或着豆瓣鲶鱼吃.

2. 悠斋悠斋, 以放松休息为主, 钓法也是那种守株待兔式的.

我初钓鱼属第一种类型, 现在感觉正在向第二种转变. :D 或者不是真正的钓鱼爱好者吧.

那天钓 Cat fish 就是把线一甩, 竿一撑,就去欣赏落日(可惜没带相机).没指着能钓上, 结果我那竿是第一个咬钩的.