[寻找]找人坐月子 (Morgants Grant area)

Up! I am looking for one in the same neighborhood as well!
I believe so, not only in Ottawa... same thing in Toronto, you can find someone to cook the meals, but you have to go pick them up yourself...

A friend of mine lives in NY, she even paid full expenses to hire one from the east coast to fly over and stay with them for the first month! so looks like shortage is everywhere!
Well, if you due fairly soon, I guess you might consider some alternate ways to help you out for the first month. Maybe the market is just like that or it is just not the way to find someone. Good luck!
这里的老人大部分都有孙子带,没有的也就不需要过来了。年轻一点的都有份工作吧。一个月的工作,比较难找。如果你说full time,也许还有人应征。而且还有地区限制,很多人都不开车吧。
I don't know what's your budget, but you can actually hire the 月嫂 from Hong Kong, and there are many companies which can arrange the 月嫂 to oversea customers, but of course it will be costly. Even for hiring full time 月嫂 in Hong Kong locally would cost like $20K HKD a month, so for oversea, there are likely additional travel fee.

I'm attaching a couple ads below if you are interested. There are tons of these ads in the baby magazine I subscribed.
Realisitcally I think TO is a better choice vs HK if you really have to go to the route of hiring someone outside of ottawa, TO is about $1300+/month + travel fees to Ottawa and accomodations, there're agencies there that can help you locate one helper.

The airfare someone needs to pay for a HK nannay will already be $1600 or more, ! $20HKD/month = approx. $3000CAD, + airfair =$....
it is not worth it for just one month regardless of the budget!

Ottawa's market is very limited, thus is not as expensive, but it is so much harder to find someone...anyhow it's a matter of price you're willing to pay, but since your parents are coming, and if you really can't find anyone, then you just have to prepare until they come la...

Pre-cook lots of food and soups and freeze them, get your LG to do the laundry, house work and diaper change and bath the baby, all you need to think of is baby's feeding, sleep, and eat! :D
I heard radio talking about the reason why hiring a 月嫂 is so expensive in HK because generally, the new mother's temper is really terrible (you know, apartment is small and the streets are too crowded).. So, maybe Toronto could be cheaper if the Toronto new mothers have better temper.

I think different origin has different 坐月 soup. The one I had consisted of ingredient which would cost a lot if buying in Canada, so if the 月嫂 could bring over the ingredient, it might still be good saving.
最初由 宝马 发布

Well, another potential business opportunities, hehe... someone should gather a group of experienced "yue zi" women and look into this... :D
最初由 Qboy ^_^ 发布

Hohoho,I'm thinking this business,too.:D

哈 哈 哈 , 真 是 英 雄 所 见 相 同 。 。 。 :p 咱 们 开 中 介 吧 。 。 。 :p (joking!)
Hehehehe....I had the same thoughts too. If we have enough energy/time, it would be a good part-time job. But, I am not sure how much ppl here in Ottawa are willing to pay for a full-time 月嫂。
¥2000?¥1600?¥1000?Hehehe..just thought about it.
最初由 宝马 发布

美国的月餐,要$100/天,一个月要3000 呢。ottawa有的话,没多少人能消费的。