新加了网址~有人看过“So you think you can dance”所以想学Jazz或者Salsa么?

Re: 有人看过“So you think you can dance”所以想学Jazz或者Salsa么?

最初由 *Nana*假装低调~ 发布
前阵子看小S看得超想学国标,最近又看CBC的“So you think you can dance”搞得我热血沸腾~~~~有人看过么??最近超迷~~~~~~~~~~~`


Re: Re: 有人看过“So you think you can dance”所以想学Jazz或者Salsa么?

最初由 果果不是天使 发布


找到好舞伴,比跳舞难多了。:mad: :mad:
Re: Re: Re: 有人看过“So you think you can dance”所以想学Jazz或者Salsa么?

最初由 Jingle 发布

找到好舞伴,比跳舞难多了。:mad: :mad:

Re: Re: Re: 有人看过“So you think you can dance”所以想学Jazz或者Salsa么?

最初由 Jingle 发布

找到好舞伴,比跳舞难多了。:mad: :mad:

Re: Re: 有人看过“So you think you can dance”所以想学Jazz或者Salsa么?

最初由 果果不是天使 发布


Re: Re: Re: Re: 有人看过“So you think you can dance”所以想学Jazz或者Salsa么?

最初由 AfterDie 发布


那谁谁自己很清楚。:p :p
I am learning ballroom dancing in a studio in Glebe area. If anyone wanna try the studio's referral program of 3 sessions and a 2 hour party for just $5, you can contact me!!!

You can try it out to see if you like the dances first, then decide if you wanna sign up for another 10 sessions for $240. If you do decide to take the classes long term, it'll cost you, but with just the guest special, there's no obligation to join.

I have been taking classes for 10 full hours and I already know the basic steps of a variety of dances including merengue, viennese waltz, waltz, foxtrout, salsa, samba, cha cha, swing and tango!!!

If you are intersted, you can ask me on msn sunnyh_@hotmail.com
最初由 秋香 发布



Jazz is an exciting, dynamic way to get co-ordinated, get flexible and feel great.

Fall: Sept 11 to Monday Dec 4
No class Oct 9 (Thanksgiving)

Winter: Jan 8 to March 26

2:30-4:00 pm Monday Fitness Studio
Fees: $65 + $3.90 GST
Limit: 25 Participants

*Carleton Students receive 25% off the posted rate for most programs- please go to Customer Service with a valid CUID card to obtain the discount!
最初由 Hsienni 发布
I am learning ballroom dancing in a studio in Glebe area. If anyone wanna try the studio's referral program of 3 sessions and a 2 hour party for just $5, you can contact me!!!

You can try it out to see if you like the dances first, then decide if you wanna sign up for another 10 sessions for $240. If you do decide to take the classes long term, it'll cost you, but with just the guest special, there's no obligation to join.

I have been taking classes for 10 full hours and I already know the basic steps of a variety of dances including merengue, viennese waltz, waltz, foxtrout, salsa, samba, cha cha, swing and tango!!!

If you are intersted, you can ask me on msn sunnyh_@hotmail.com

亲爱的~ 我来了~~^^
最初由 Chloeyy 发布
亲爱的~ 我来了~~^^

我也想学,但是我住在algonquin college这 是不是很远啊