Math1300;Brief Calculus: an applied approach, Larson and Edwards, Sixth Edition.$50 (study guide as free)
Math1341;Elementary linear algebra,second edition, W.Keith Nicholson $30
The little brown;compact handbook,fifth edition,Jane E.Aaron $30
Reader's choice;fourth canadian edition, Kim flachmann michael flachmann alexandra maclennan $20
Organizational behavior; concepts, controversies, and applications, Stephen P.Robbins.$50
Study guides: Psychology1101 and 1102 $30
Macro2143 $30
Micro1104 $15
Macro1102 $15
please call 613-721-8995 or QQH.thanks
Math1341;Elementary linear algebra,second edition, W.Keith Nicholson $30
The little brown;compact handbook,fifth edition,Jane E.Aaron $30
Reader's choice;fourth canadian edition, Kim flachmann michael flachmann alexandra maclennan $20
Organizational behavior; concepts, controversies, and applications, Stephen P.Robbins.$50
Study guides: Psychology1101 and 1102 $30
Macro2143 $30
Micro1104 $15
Macro1102 $15
please call 613-721-8995 or QQH.thanks