Alucard 新手上路 注册 2005-01-31 消息 3,057 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2006-08-20 #1 新买了RADEON X1600 PRO,结果主板不支持,想请教一下有什么好的主板可以介绍?还有显卡盒子上说要求DDR2的内存,这个是必须的吗?如果不是DDR2会出现什么问题?谢谢各位啦~
cucapila 资深人士 VIP 注册 2004-08-05 消息 7,737 荣誉分数 806 声望点数 273 2006-08-21 #2 显卡盒子上怎么说的 一般的我认为是写的显卡用的显存,和你用的内存没什么关系 所以DDR2不是必须的
千古一帝 新手上路 注册 2004-12-29 消息 70 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2006-08-24 #3 What do you mean? You cannot plugin the card? If you can plugin, you mainboard should support. Then, install the driver in Windows. All Video cards support the mode that BIOS can start up as long as you can plugin the card.
What do you mean? You cannot plugin the card? If you can plugin, you mainboard should support. Then, install the driver in Windows. All Video cards support the mode that BIOS can start up as long as you can plugin the card.