质疑小泉拜鬼目的 渥太华华人促日道歉
渥太华华人社团高举标语,指责日本歪曲历史。中评社图片 <>
中评社香港8月16日电(记者 苏丽闲)就日本首相小泉纯一郎不理邻近国家的反对,悍然在“8.15”日本战败六十一周年纪念日参拜靖国神社,激起加拿大首都渥太华的华人社团强烈抗议,到日本驻加拿大领事馆前,高举标语抗议小泉拜鬼,要求日本正式道歉。此外,二战时被日本俘虏的荷兰裔老兵也到场抗议,要求日本政府就二次大战时对战时俘虏、与及被?领国家所犯下的不人道罪行作出道歉。
是次抗议集会于当地时间15日上午10时开始,来自中港台三地的同胞均有到场表达诉求。他们手持分别以中文、英文以及日文写成的标语在领事馆前显示声势。其中的日文标语向小泉提问,为何日本昭和天皇在1978 年后(即靖国神社开始供奉东条英机等甲级战犯)已不再到神社参拜,而他却坚持参拜;以及提出他应该向于6月平反人头税的加国首相哈珀学习。还有人表达反对日本加入联合国安理会的诉求。
到场抗议的荷兰裔二战老兵及前日本战俘约翰.法兰特(John Franken)一如以往12年,由满地可到渥太华日本驻加拿大领事馆示威,要求日本政府就二次大战时对战时俘虏、与及被?领国家所犯下的不人道罪行作出道歉。
集会期间,渥太华史维会代表、法兰特及其在渥太华联络人Yolanda Lindenbach三人进入大使馆呈交诉求。把关注小泉一再参拜靖神社的抗议信直接交给日本驻加拿大大使沼田贞昭(Sadaaki Numata))。
Summary of the meeting with the Japanese embassador:
Thanks to Dr. Ih Chu's effort, I was able to penetrate into the Japanese
fortress and delivered the letter of protest directly to the
ambassador. I did not say much because what we wanted was well
expressed in the letter. The ambassador did read the letter but did not
make any comment and just passed it on to the First Secretary who
happens to speak excellent Mandarin to file back in Tokyo. John Franken
presented a gift to the ambassador and did most of the talks. Most of
the talks were just routine and predictable, but two caught my full
attention. Right in the beginning he questioned the Ambassador on the
possibility of Japan already possessing atomic bombs. The ambassador
seems to be caught with surprise and answered in a circular way. The
only answer I would give him some credit is that when he was stationed
in Pakistan, some local politicians asked him why Japan did not make an
atomic bomb and threw it back to USA, he answered it was not Japanese
nature to retaliate. Another issue John raised was the timing of
Koizumi's visit to the war shrine in August 15. The ambassador gave all
kinds of explanations, among one was that Koizumi went there to praise
for peace!
Besides the three of us and the ambassador, three other embassy staff
were present. One was the First Secretary, Tsukasa Hirota, mentioned
before. One was the press secretary whose husband just finished duty in
Iraq. The third one was unknown. They were all taking notes and did
not say anything. I did engage in some mundane talks with Mr. Hirota.
He's young and has worked in China. He is some one we should try to
cultivate because some day he may become an ambassador or more
influential political figure in the future.
The protest letter I sent in was based on Angie's version because we
have to approach the issue as Canadian and brought Harper into the
picture for comparison.
The attached news brief and photo are only meant for the 3 Chinese
dailies: Singtao, Mingpao, and the World Journal.
King Wan
Ottawa-史居?: Please visit our group site:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/alpha-ottawa/
渥太华华人社团高举标语,指责日本歪曲历史。中评社图片 <>
中评社香港8月16日电(记者 苏丽闲)就日本首相小泉纯一郎不理邻近国家的反对,悍然在“8.15”日本战败六十一周年纪念日参拜靖国神社,激起加拿大首都渥太华的华人社团强烈抗议,到日本驻加拿大领事馆前,高举标语抗议小泉拜鬼,要求日本正式道歉。此外,二战时被日本俘虏的荷兰裔老兵也到场抗议,要求日本政府就二次大战时对战时俘虏、与及被?领国家所犯下的不人道罪行作出道歉。
是次抗议集会于当地时间15日上午10时开始,来自中港台三地的同胞均有到场表达诉求。他们手持分别以中文、英文以及日文写成的标语在领事馆前显示声势。其中的日文标语向小泉提问,为何日本昭和天皇在1978 年后(即靖国神社开始供奉东条英机等甲级战犯)已不再到神社参拜,而他却坚持参拜;以及提出他应该向于6月平反人头税的加国首相哈珀学习。还有人表达反对日本加入联合国安理会的诉求。
到场抗议的荷兰裔二战老兵及前日本战俘约翰.法兰特(John Franken)一如以往12年,由满地可到渥太华日本驻加拿大领事馆示威,要求日本政府就二次大战时对战时俘虏、与及被?领国家所犯下的不人道罪行作出道歉。
集会期间,渥太华史维会代表、法兰特及其在渥太华联络人Yolanda Lindenbach三人进入大使馆呈交诉求。把关注小泉一再参拜靖神社的抗议信直接交给日本驻加拿大大使沼田贞昭(Sadaaki Numata))。
Summary of the meeting with the Japanese embassador:
Thanks to Dr. Ih Chu's effort, I was able to penetrate into the Japanese
fortress and delivered the letter of protest directly to the
ambassador. I did not say much because what we wanted was well
expressed in the letter. The ambassador did read the letter but did not
make any comment and just passed it on to the First Secretary who
happens to speak excellent Mandarin to file back in Tokyo. John Franken
presented a gift to the ambassador and did most of the talks. Most of
the talks were just routine and predictable, but two caught my full
attention. Right in the beginning he questioned the Ambassador on the
possibility of Japan already possessing atomic bombs. The ambassador
seems to be caught with surprise and answered in a circular way. The
only answer I would give him some credit is that when he was stationed
in Pakistan, some local politicians asked him why Japan did not make an
atomic bomb and threw it back to USA, he answered it was not Japanese
nature to retaliate. Another issue John raised was the timing of
Koizumi's visit to the war shrine in August 15. The ambassador gave all
kinds of explanations, among one was that Koizumi went there to praise
for peace!
Besides the three of us and the ambassador, three other embassy staff
were present. One was the First Secretary, Tsukasa Hirota, mentioned
before. One was the press secretary whose husband just finished duty in
Iraq. The third one was unknown. They were all taking notes and did
not say anything. I did engage in some mundane talks with Mr. Hirota.
He's young and has worked in China. He is some one we should try to
cultivate because some day he may become an ambassador or more
influential political figure in the future.
The protest letter I sent in was based on Angie's version because we
have to approach the issue as Canadian and brought Harper into the
picture for comparison.
The attached news brief and photo are only meant for the 3 Chinese
dailies: Singtao, Mingpao, and the World Journal.
King Wan
Ottawa-史居?: Please visit our group site:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/alpha-ottawa/