去豆豆用proactiv..proactiv网上可以买到还有st.laurent也有专柜车,有个叫advanced blemish treatment的据说去豆豆很快,因为里面的药物不较强,如果MM不着急的话用他们的combination therapy一两月就都ok了!! ^__^ what's good is that if you don't like you can always refund and they will give you the money back, you have a 2 month warranty which is good SO GIVE IT A TRY, nothing to loose.我感觉很有效。。还有阿。。美白可以做DIY面膜。。用绿茶粉,面粉还有鸡蛋黄再加一点水,等10-15 minute 以后洗掉就可以了,喝绿茶也很美白,效果会更好。。绿茶粉168就有卖的,MM可以试一试, 面膜用了不回过敏因为都纯天然的所以大可放心,还有我也用过中药but it was under prescription while i was back in china during vacation >.>'''.这些对MM不知道有没有帮助^__^'' 都是我个人的小秘方呵呵呵