最初由 呆呆虫 发布
1) link speed 100M/54M are bits/second (bps)
2) the given file transfer speed is in BPS, which is bytes/second
3) 1.0 - 1.5 MB/s = 8 - 12 Mbps
4) channel speed is measured in duplex, that means, for 100 Mbps fastEthernet, you can watch at most 50Mbps theoretically
5) deduct overhead in file transfer (e.g., 20+20 bytes of header for each TCP/IP packet, eh, if layer-2 switch or hub in LAN, no TCP/IP header but layer-2 and layer-1 header ...)
6) in LAN, if many hosts are sharing the medium, speed will be divided ...
In conclusion: 1.0 - 1.5 MB/s for file transfering is common in either fastEthernet LAN (100Mbps, ~ 4 hosts or more, depending on working status of those hosts like downloading movie) or 802.11g LAN (54 Mbps)