无线router $2.99


Future Shop有一款无线路由器,是TrendNet牌子的,现在特价$2.99 after mail in rebate. 刚买回来一个,还不错。
去年Boxing Day买了两个TEW-432BRP,一个罢工了,接上没用过的那个,嘿,邪门,一样的毛病,什么灯都不亮。花了十七刀寄美国维修去了,半个月了还没消息。
最初由 yorktower 发布
Future Shop有一款无线路由器,是TrendNet牌子的,现在特价$2.99 after mail in rebate. 刚买回来一个,还不错。
Re: Re: 无线router $2.99

最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布


1.0 - 1.5 MB/s
Re: Re: Re: Re: 无线router $2.99

最初由 DayInDayOUt 发布

It's 100MB in fact.

You can reach 100M Bytes /s in the wireless channel????

His question is asking intranet transmission speed through 802.11g Wireless Channel
Re: Re: Re: 无线router $2.99

最初由 Rock2008sz 发布

1.0 - 1.5 MB/s
1.0 - 1.5 MB/s is too slow for either wired (100MB) or wireless (54MB).
Even you calculate on bytes(file size), the transfer rate should be divided by 8, say 100/8 = 12.5MB and 54/8 = 6.75MB.
In this case 1.0 or 1.5 MB is still way too slow and you should be able to get 10MB and 6MB respectively.
You may need to check your wireless adapter (or reception) for the wireless connection and to make sure you use Cat 5 cable for wired connection to gain the capacity of the router.
rebate 这事相当没谱
Re: Re: Re: Re: 无线router $2.99

最初由 DayInDayOUt 发布

1.0 - 1.5 MB/s is too slow for either wired (100MB) or wireless (54MB).
Even you calculate on bytes(file size), the transfer rate should be divided by 8, say 100/8 = 12.5MB and 54/8 = 6.75MB.
In this case 1.0 or 1.5 MB is still way too slow and you should be able to get 10MB and 6MB respectively.
You may need to check your wireless adapter (or reception) for the wireless connection and to make sure you use Cat 5 cable for wired connection to gain the capacity of the router.

1) link speed 100M/54M are bits/second (bps)
2) the given file transfer speed is in BPS, which is bytes/second
3) 1.0 - 1.5 MB/s = 8 - 12 Mbps
4) channel speed is measured in duplex, that means, for 100 Mbps fastEthernet, you can watch at most 50Mbps theoretically
5) deduct overhead in file transfer (e.g., 20+20 bytes of header for each TCP/IP packet, eh, if layer-2 switch or hub in LAN, no TCP/IP header but layer-2 and layer-1 header ...)
6) in LAN, if many hosts are sharing the medium, speed will be divided ...

In conclusion: 1.0 - 1.5 MB/s for file transfering is common in either fastEthernet LAN (100Mbps, ~ 4 hosts or more, depending on working status of those hosts like downloading movie) or 802.11g LAN (54 Mbps)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 无线router $2.99

最初由 呆呆虫 发布

1) link speed 100M/54M are bits/second (bps)
2) the given file transfer speed is in BPS, which is bytes/second
3) 1.0 - 1.5 MB/s = 8 - 12 Mbps
4) channel speed is measured in duplex, that means, for 100 Mbps fastEthernet, you can watch at most 50Mbps theoretically
5) deduct overhead in file transfer (e.g., 20+20 bytes of header for each TCP/IP packet, eh, if layer-2 switch or hub in LAN, no TCP/IP header but layer-2 and layer-1 header ...)
6) in LAN, if many hosts are sharing the medium, speed will be divided ...

In conclusion: 1.0 - 1.5 MB/s for file transfering is common in either fastEthernet LAN (100Mbps, ~ 4 hosts or more, depending on working status of those hosts like downloading movie) or 802.11g LAN (54 Mbps)

I had a test and please check the result below.
The test environment is 100T router with Cat 5 cable, intranet.
I used ftp for the test.
Here's the result and all numbers displayed here are in byte.

Test #1(upload)
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for testFile.zip
256370302 bytes transferred. (8.74 MB/s) (00:00:27)

Test #2(download)
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for testFile.zip (256370302 bytes)
256370302 bytes transferred. (10.4 MB/s) (00:00:23)

The conclusion? 1.0 - 1.5MB/s is way too slow.
You are right in part of your comment but you missed two key points.
1. duplex doesn't mean you need to split the bandwidth since you only get little traffic(service pack) from other end.
2. packet is not that inefficient so you may notice the overhead but it won't be significant.
Those are the reasons you got your conclusion wrong.
BTW, thanks for bringing out the issue and I believe the focus now is to find out the bottle neck, right?
去下面这个购物网看看吧,虽然是美金,但价格比一般便宜多了。我上星期在哪买了Panasonic 5.8GHz Cordless Phone (KXTG5622M)无线电话换了加币含运费才 $85CAN 相比 future shop 卖$129还要 Rebate 化算多了。下订单之后他们会给Tracking number通过Fedex 每天追踪商品的位置和运送过程直到送你家门为止!我很满意他们的价格和服务。 以下是对比!


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修理, 使复原, 使正常

reconditioned, reconditioning, reconditions
To restore to good condition, especially by repairing, renovating, or rebuilding.


refurbished, refurbishing, refurbishes
To make clean, bright, or fresh again; renovate.