Weight loss
I just want to say, any drug has side effect, in other words, you couldn't find one single drug in this world without side effect. Drug is chemical binded even it claimed as natural extracting. As long as you find DIN (Drug Identification Nubmer)on the the bottle, it's a chemical drug. It's very dangrous when drug going to our body, it's posion, when the posion accumulated in our body, cause all kinds of diseases, liver, kidney problems, heart problem etc. Especially weight loss drugs that's the worst one, one women died from weight loss drug (Ma huang, most weight loss drug's ingredient 2 years ago), luckily for other women, her husband is a lawyer, he sued FDA, and he won, after that, FDA recalled all the weight loss drug which having Mahuang in it. Mahuang is only one example.
You should know what exactly what it is before you take anything into your body, you're responsible for your own health. Cancer, heart disease, Autoimmune disease etc has developed in our body for 5 to 20 year without any notice, after we know it, it's too late.
Solution, it's natural, no side effect plant food. food is best medicine. plus moderate exercise, like another friend said.
Sorry about English, my chinese typing too slow. If you don't understand, let me know, send me email